hi ya is this a male or female?


Active Member
hi peoples could some one please tell me if in there opinion this is male or female I posed the question a week or so ago but was asked for more pictures so I have waited a week and taken some new ones.
Also could anyone that knows please tell me when I should cut the top bit of I have been told before that it is called the crown and that it sould be cut to make it grow better also do I have to sterilize the scissors or stanley knife.
Thank you for any input you may be able to provide me with kiss-ass



Active Member

It very difficult to tell from the pics Im afraid, agree with WTF ^^... need some close ups!


Well-Known Member
You can't really tell until it shows sex other than more bushy fat plants make you think female and lanky thin ones male.

We can guess, I'd go with male.


Well-Known Member
its difficult to tell from the pics..but i had a plant that looked kinda liked that..it turned out to be a male so i ripped it out asap..because i had a female growing next to it..and that can affect it.