
Well I just jumped right on in didn't I, let's see in RL I'm Lehi tr you guess what that came from

I like to smoke weed, I was raised Mormon, LDS, just one mom.

I guess I kinda believe in it, this Lehi does have trees with nugs of light upon them as well.

But not the ignorant bs maybe it's better if I don't talk about religion, but I do like the Tao Te Ching.


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Well I just jumped right on in didn't I, let's see in RL I'm Lehi tr you guess what that came from

I like to smoke weed, I was raised Mormon, LDS, just one mom.

I guess I kinda believe in it, this Lehi does have trees with nugs of light upon them as well.

But not the ignorant bs maybe it's better if I don't talk about religion, but I do like the Tao Te Ching.

A kindred spirit ! Thanks for coming into the sanctum.....welcome ! First time ever I've heard a member mention the Tao........wow ! The " Tao Te Ching " is a f'ing gem , quite the distillation....I'm always picking it up and reading it. Taoism is a beautiful thing. When it comes to religion/cults ( same thing to me ) count me the f out . Ya got me going , sorry. Have fun , lots of chill stoner dudes hanging-out in here and yes , a few ass-hats.
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Welcome, one hell of an entrance. Depending on who you talk to I might be an ass-hat.
Everybody is an ass-hat at some point , I think. Geeze , just last Saturday night at a neighbors party I was ass-hat of the year ! Certain meds and booze don't pair well .