Hickory Hills Police Arrest Woman They Say Was Smoking Pot With a Vaporizer


Active Member
IL -A Cicero woman was charged with possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia Sunday night after a police officer spotted her smoking marijuana from a vaporizer while she sat in a car in the parking lot of a banquet hall in the 8300 block of West 95th Street in Hickory Hills.

Grisel Ramirez, 19, of the 1900 block of South 49th Avenue, was arrested after police responded to a complaint about someone smoking pot in their vehicle, police said. Ramirez told police that she has arthritis and needed to use the vaporizer to ingest the marijuana, police said.

News Forum: rollitup.org
Source: Chicago Tribune
Contact: Chicago Tribune
Copyright: 2010, Chicago Tribune
Website: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/...tter-pot-smoking-0604-20100604,0,331925.story
does anyone feel safer now that this "non-violent criminal" has been arrested?

are Chicago streets so safe that the police can now focus on cannabis users?

well, i dont pay taxes in IL, but if i did, i think i would have to make a call or write a letter.

what a total waste of policing time. perhaps looking into an unsolved rape or murder would make better use of the government coffers. ( just a thought )
does anyone feel safer now that this "non-violent criminal" has been arrested?

are Chicago streets so safe that the police can now focus on cannabis users?

well, i dont pay taxes in IL, but if i did, i think i would have to make a call or write a letter.

what a total waste of policing time. perhaps looking into an unsolved rape or murder would make better use of the government coffers. ( just a thought )
YES... get those violent stoners off our streets. Now the world is safe for my kids Bahhahahahahahahaha. i hate the law