Hello all, I’m a seasoned HPS grower, I’ve been in the dark for some years and just starting to plan my next room. As I’ve been researching I’m wildly impressed at the progress LED’s have made (I haven’t been on a forum in 12+ years). Bofin was the mad scientist tinkering with homemade LED as supplemental lighting the last I remember LED’s being used, if that means anything to any old planet skunkers... I’m intrigued by the difference in power consumption, but otherwise don’t know much and haven’t found a kind of compiled source of generic information (a dummy’s guide to converting?). Basically what’s the catch is my question? Why is anyone still running HID? I am reading things like LED growing needs more heat, natural climate is a factor in cost savings, then there’s the a slew of science and acronyms I don’t want to botch. I don’t want to come off as (more) ignorant, so before I ask 30 stupid questions; is there a good idiots guide to switching from HID to LED somewhere? I live in the north east, legal state, I can condition my new set up, I plan on having a veg room and a flower room. I’ve definitely got more than 30 stupid questions so I’m hoping someone’s got a good educational (but not too scientific ) read to share