HID lighting question


Active Member
If I wired up one of these...


could I use a 1000 watt HID bulb or do I need a ballast?

I have a feeling that is too good to be true and I would end up frying my bulb...

Can someone please explain the point of a ballast?

Also, attached is my grow room design. The lights would be on movers.

Do you think it would be more economical to grow Lowriders and harvest every 8 or 9 weeks, or grow train wreck or something that follows a regular photo period and harvest every 16 weeks?



Well-Known Member
all depends on your preference , less weed faster or more later, u can. and in your pic .....its just for the globe u still need a ballast...which is need to ignite the ARC in your globe, and i think it also works like an adaptor changes from one amp to the stand 10 amps