Hidden tendrils of the universe captured


Well-Known Member
The hidden cosmic web that holds it all together (invisibly) known as dark matter may have shape at last. That hidden all present mystic invisible idea is old but what do we do with it?
Nonsense! How about the dark currents of electricity? Those are probable and feasible. No need for special theories to support decaying models of a gravitational "warped fabric" universe.
Lol ..."That hidden all present mystic invisible idea is old but what do we do with it?" ...many here at RIU just warm it in their hands and smoke it ...lol (hashball)
After reading the article, I am not impressed. It is as if the authors of the source study are purposely not acknowledging the effects of electromagnetism! Those "tendrils" are clearly an E&M phenomenon, which can be traced back to the work of Birkeland. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12898.html Bloody hell, they even talk about "highly ionized gas" in the abstract... DUH!!! That's PLASMA! Maybe I should go dig that article up, and give it a closer reading.