Hiding In Plain Sight


Active Member
I'm looking to either purchase or make a slip-cover for my 2x2x4 grow tent as I'm taking the "hide it in plain sight" method. I have my tent in my studio room that I do my streaming and podcasting in so I have a lot of high end recording equipment in there, so I figured I could just pass it off as a small recording booth or something, but I would still feel more at ease if I had a slip-cover to put over it should I need to. Anybody know where or how I could go about this? I've searched all over the net for a slip-cover or a diy method of doing so and haven't found shit. Any and all comments are welcome!
What about your duct work and stuff? Will you be taking that down to cover it?

Maybe just setup one of those folding privacy screens in front of it when need be? Ya know the kind ppl get dressed behind?
It's a tight fit towards the upper part of the tent, but I've managed to fit everything *filter, duct fan, ducting* inside the tent and it vents out the top port hole. A privacy screen might work though. I'll need to take a couple pics after I get home from work to show you how everything looks. I appreciate the quick response. Check back later today for a pic and let me know what you think. Cheers :bigjoint:
It's a tight fit towards the upper part of the tent, but I've managed to fit everything *filter, duct fan, ducting* inside the tent and it vents out the top port hole. A privacy screen might work though. I'll need to take a couple pics after I get home from work to show you how everything looks. I appreciate the quick response. Check back later today for a pic and let me know what you think. Cheers :bigjoint:

the folding shoji screens are nice, and adjustable.
just noticed this one, would be a good cover, it's just a chalk board....
little spendy though, get a cheaper wooden one and spray it with chalkboard paint...
Those are really good ideas. The only problem I fear is if they just simply look behind it and say "oh, well what's that?". Maybe I can just tell them it's a compact mobile dark room for photo development? I mean, since it is in my studio room literally surrounded by all kinds of recording equipment and pictures on the walls. Should probably mention I live in an apartment, so landlords and maintenance would be my concern. Though, they do have to give 24 hour notice should they need to enter my unit unless it's an emergency, and I don't see that happening tbh.
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buy an old tripod and 35 mm camera, and set it in front of the door to the tent? how many people are you going to have in that room? and how much of the apartments "mechanicals" are in there? like the heat exchanger, the breaker box? if none of that is in there, they should have very little reason to go into a closed room, much less start looking behind things...
Just something to consider.

Mold / Mildew.

I suppose that's two things but closely related. lol

I don't know how long you intend to have your tent sealed up with plants inside but that's a recipe for mold / mildew. It doesn't take long either for humidity to spike and for powdery mildew to bloom. The more biomass you have in the confined space the faster it will happen.
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buy an old tripod and 35 mm camera, and set it in front of the door to the tent? how many people are you going to have in that room? and how much of the apartments "mechanicals" are in there? like the heat exchanger, the breaker box? if none of that is in there, they should have very little reason to go into a closed room, much less start looking behind things...
Just something to consider.

Mold / Mildew.

I suppose that's two things but closely related. lol

I don't know how long you intend to have your tent sealed up with plants inside but that's a recipe for mold / mildew. It doesn't take long either for humidity to spike and for powdery mildew to bloom. The more biomass you have in the confined space the faster it will happen.
Nothing for them to really inspect in my studio room as far as important shit like breakers or anything. It's just a bedroom I turned into a studio for my streaming and recording stuff. I like that tripod and old cam idea. Also, I have the airflow thing covered and have the temp/humidity pretty much dialed in. Even doing a little diy for a bit of boosted c02. Here's my setup. Let me know what you guys think. It's my first one so don't be too harsh. Lol.:bigjoint:


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Nothing for them to really inspect in my studio room as far as important shit like breakers or anything. It's just a bedroom I turned into a studio for my streaming and recording stuff. I like that tripod and old cam idea. Also, I have the airflow thing covered and have the temp/humidity pretty much dialed in. Even doing a little diy for a bit of boosted c02. Here's my setup. Let me know what you guys think. It's my first one so don't be too harsh. Lol.:bigjoint:
with that small a tent, you could just go get a cardboard box slightly larger than your tent, cut the back out of it, and set the whole thing in the corner. it's just a box....if you wanted to get really stealthy, you could build a light weight frame for the box, so you can set a couple of real boxes of stuff on top of it... no one is going to move boxes to look in a box
Just something to consider.

Mold / Mildew.

I suppose that's two things but closely related. lol

I don't know how long you intend to have your tent sealed up with plants inside but that's a recipe for mold / mildew. It doesn't take long either for humidity to spike and for powdery mildew to bloom. The more biomass you have in the confined space the faster it will happen.

Right you are my friend. Those girls need lots of good air circulation or else trouble will start brewing.
with that small a tent, you could just go get a cardboard box slightly larger than your tent, cut the back out of it, and set the whole thing in the corner. it's just a box....if you wanted to get really stealthy, you could build a light weight frame for the box, so you can set a couple of real boxes of stuff on top of it... no one is going to move boxes to look in a box
Right you are my friend. Those girls need lots of good air circulation or else trouble will start brewing.
Great idea man. I can probably get my dad to help me build it as he's a construction worker so I'm sure he'll have some stuff laying around. I appreciate the advice, everyone. Cheers :blsmoke:
Sounds like a job for the ol tent in wardrobe trick

Make sure u put a lock o n the door
Exactly because whoever is in there is going to hear the sound from the air exchange system and maybe from the oscill fan, too. And wonder, whats going on there?

carbon filters definitely help, and growing low odor strains helps as well, but when they're in the last couple weeks of flower, they all reek...think of a skunk fucking a chunk of old cheese....
I did have the tent in the closet in my studio room, but with being in an apartment, they can easily come in and open the door. Then it's pretty obvious I'm trying to hide it. Since I've posted this, I just put some stuff on the tent and on the front to make it look like a portable wardrobe and it looks pretty convincing imo. Since I have a fan controller mounted to the wall above the tent concealed behind a mask I have hanging on the wall, should someone come over I can easily just turn the exhaust fan off and quickly pop the tent open and turn the light off so there isn't any whirring. If I don't have time to do that, I can quickly close the passive intake ports and flip the kill switch on the power strip I have everything plugged into so it kills the power to everything in the tent. I also have a small lock on the zippers so even if the landlord or maintenance shows up and starts questioning it, which I don't think they will because it really does look like a portable wardrobe now *I'll post pics soon*, they can't touch it because 1, it's invasion of privacy, and 2, it has a lock on it so they really can't touch it at that point. Unless I'm wrong? But I've read everywhere that landlords are not allowed to rummage through your personal items, specially if it's locked. As for the smell of flowering buds... believe me, I know how much they can and will stink, specially in heat and humidity. I lived in California for about 5 years and did a lot of trimming in Mendocino County and let me tell you... holy shit do they stink, but in a good way.
Do you guys think this would pass as a portable wardrobe? I mean usually when the landlord comes over for inspections, she kinda just quickly pops her head in each room and that's it. I think it looks pretty convincing tbh. Fucking sucks I gotta do it this way but the catch 22 with medicinal cannabis in missouri and living in public housing because federally it's still illegal. Idk, let me know what you guys think. Cheers :bigjoint:


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