high all, n00b here


Well-Known Member
Glad to find this board. I'm mainly trying to figure out tinctures or some way I can become euphoric without all the smoke and smell which may make some intolerant neighbors angry and me 'noid as a mofo. I've certainly done the work. Bought all I can in the way of tincs, umm...here's a good list: kronic tonic sativa, kronic tonic indica, verdure sativa, verdure indica and CBD ratio tincture 1:1:1 cbd:cbg:thc. None of them did a thing for me, though i was using 3 or 4 times more than the dosage recommended (upwards of 4 eyedroppers a time), and NOTHING. So then I made my own using methods gleaned from the WWW, and adopting the technique called RSO, by doing the following:
First Tincture: 2-27-22:

I used .6 cc RSO X 5.6 cc alcohol.
Dissolved in well with stir stick.
It amounted to 8 ea. 1.0 cc eyedroppers
of about .7cc ea with old Everclear from
current nug solution. Then I used about
.6 cc RSO from syringe. I'm to add H20
in the AM to equal about half of the vial,
which should equal about 9 ea. .7cc servings.

Result: NOTHING. I've tried other methods. And I remembered to decarb everything prior to making the tinc. My decarb method was also odorless,
and was as follows:

The mason jar is a convenient and discreet decarboxylation method, although it takes an extra watchful eye, since it’s performed using an open flame, and uses glass, which can be sensitive to temperature changes, making it potentially dangerous if you’re not careful.

What do you need?

Mason jar, A pot, Water

How to

Roughly grind your plant material and place it inside your mason jar before tightly sealing. Fill up your pot with water about halfway, place the jar inside, and heat on your stovetop at low/medium heat. If the jar is placed in the pot when the water is too hot, the jar runs the risk of cracking or exploding. Let the jar and water simmer in the pot for about 90 minutes, being sure that the water doesn’t evaporate throughout the decarbing process.

This is a very effective method for those who need a discreet decarb process, as the smell is generally contained within the air-tight mason jar. The mason jar method isn’t the most precise decarb method, since the temperature under an open flame has many variables. You can use an oven thermometer to make sure the temperature remains consistent. The temperature will never go above 220 degrees Fahrenheit – that of boiling water.
The mason jar with the nug was inside the glass jar, which was then inside a plastic boiling bag, (remember I don't want my house smelling like a cannabis farm. People notice.

Boy, have I put in the time, and gotten no results. In the meantime all i can do is "roll another one, just like the other one" and deal with it.

Sorry, this is probably not the place for all these details in an intro post, but I hadda get it outta my system before I blow a cork. I sure hope somebody can tell me how to make a tinc or anything so that I can pursue my euphoric habit without being afraid of some neighbor who'll attack me for not being and thinking like he does. I'm losin' it, i tell ya. I look forward to being a member of this board. Thanks again. :leaf:
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Your decarb is probably not doing the job. I do mine in the toaster oven at 250F for 45 min and keep a temp probe in the centre of the pot so I start the 45min when the centre is 250.

If you double wrap in tinfoil and seal the edges well there is almost zero smell given off but I now wait until I've extracted the oil and do my decarb on that which also cooks out any remaining solvent and preserves more of the terpenes and such that can be lost during oven decarbs.

Also try eating something containing fats about an hour before dosing so your liver is tied up processing food fats and lets the Delta 9 THC run around for a while before being converted to Delta 11. A heaping Tbsp of coconut oil is a good fat to use.

well, wow nice welcome from y'alls. I half expected to not be given registration
because of a too-lengthy intro, documenting my efforts to make tinctures. So,
i'm quite surprised and happy about your responses. Thanks everybody. :)

I'll try to reply to some of your replies in a while, but for now I just gotta cop a
quick buzz to take it all in. whew. :blsmoke:
Also try eating something containing fats about an hour before dosing so your liver is tied up processing food fats and lets the Delta 9 THC run around for a while before being converted to Delta 11. A heaping Tbsp of coconut oil is a good fat to use.


That + (i think) ground black pepper? There's quite a bit of research suggesting several different herbs like black pepper increase absorption in the gut. You can pack some into capsules & take prior to ingestion of edibles.
Sounds like you need some "Joey Diaz death-star" strength edibles.
First ever i heard of them. Google found this on them:
"Stars of Death edibles are nothing more than infused cannabis oil edibles ranging from 100mg to 1000mg of THC."

Oh, i forgot to mention that I don't wanna do edibles anyway. Smoking would be preferred, but it's so darn smelly.
So i'm trying to make tinctures work instead, but not succeeding. Smoke, you get high in 10 mins, tincs in 1 hour,
edibles in 2 hours. Smoke you stay high an hour or two, tinc maybe 2 or 3 hours, edibles 4 or 8 hours. I'd love it if
tincs would work. But so far no good for me. I've done edibles in the past, and WAY TOO MUCH. But since legalization
I ate a whole chocolate bar edible and nothing. I also drank a 12 oz drink, and nothing. But i am shooting for the
in between of a tincture and not smoking nor eating edibles.
That + (i think) ground black pepper? There's quite a bit of research suggesting several different herbs like black pepper increase absorption in the gut. You can pack some into capsules & take prior to ingestion of edibles.

Black pepper for tumeric capsules to help with that but I've never heard of it being used to increase absorption of cannabis. Liquid sunflower lecithin on the other hand is something I add to my cocobudder mixes to help. That has some science behind it too. The RSO I'm taking now doesn't have any but I mixed in 10% MCT oil to make it easier to squeeze out of a syringe and it kicks ass until you build up a tolerance.

I always have a snack like ice cream or a toasted peanut butter sandwich late at night and take my RSO later. I can feel it kicking in about an hour later when my eyes get even drier than usual and I feel wobbly on my pins when I stand up. :)

Sublingual tinctures is what i'm trying to make. Not edibles, cuz of the time factor involved in
both administration and effect. I just don't think i'm gonna get it to work. :(
Green Dragon? I personally don't make it but a friend swears by it. There's diff ways of making it. You can check that out on the googs.
Welcome to the pit!
First ever i heard of them. Google found this on them:
"Stars of Death edibles are nothing more than infused cannabis oil edibles ranging from 100mg to 1000mg of THC."

Oh, i forgot to mention that I don't wanna do edibles anyway. Smoking would be preferred, but it's so darn smelly.
So i'm trying to make tinctures work instead, but not succeeding. Smoke, you get high in 10 mins, tincs in 1 hour,
edibles in 2 hours. Smoke you stay high an hour or two, tinc maybe 2 or 3 hours, edibles 4 or 8 hours. I'd love it if
tincs would work. But so far no good for me. I've done edibles in the past, and WAY TOO MUCH. But since legalization
I ate a whole chocolate bar edible and nothing. I also drank a 12 oz drink, and nothing. But i am shooting for the
in between of a tincture and not smoking nor eating edibles.

Great idea using only "using only what's available in the kitchen."
And we never even met before. But that's how I like to roll.
fade is graywolf? heh... I was reading about graywolf a year or so back in my web meanderings
to figger out how to decarb or make sublingual tinctures or something. He's kind of a legend, as
remember. I've got so many damn bookmarks since it got legal. I've just been buying all these
strange-ass varietals from the dispensary for the past few years.