high and low night temps ??


hi all..

i have noticed that things are happening slowly.. so to cut a long story short, my question is...

..if day time temps are 28/30, is 25/26 ok for night (degrees)

could this be the reason for slow development..

thank you for any advive, 2 weeks in flower, pea size.. and small peas at that !


Well-Known Member
Buds will be small at two weeks, apparently some strains take that long to show flowers at all. I've also read on this forum that a 10 degree difference is desirable between night and day temps.


Well-Known Member
Buds will be small at two weeks, apparently some strains take that long to show flowers at all. I've also read on this forum that a 10 degree difference is desirable between night and day temps.
I have read the same, that's what I go by


thanks for the quick reply.. i have just read that maby adding an ice pack infront of the passive intake may help...

becos i keep my filter running slowley at night to eliminate odor, i could crank it up but sound like a jet..lol

you saying about the diff strains.... i forgot that point, it is actually a different one in... i had cheese but this was a free one.

shall i just leave it or try add an ice pack, will this have any effect in your eyes