High Grow Room Temp?

S da dot

Hi guys,just on my first grow in a new box and I seriously under looked the heat side of things,my temp have been up in the 90's! My plants are 3 week old and seem ok apart from the lower leaves turning yellowish. I'm getting a Cool tube this weekend to sort things out :-P.... But I was just wondering will this have already done damage behond repair or will they recover form it? Will this affect things later on in flower? And yield? Thanks very much.
through what i have read it is safe to say it will effect your plant... over-heating can burn your plant makeing it harder to do things that it may need to do idk specifically how it will burn it or where but you will see the effects... i wouldn't take the chance anyways... and this threads so damn old you prolly already got the answer you were looking for but i figured i'd answer you anyways... idk if temps at the 90's could burn it but like i said ^^ wouldnt take the chance... you done any growing yet i'd love to see your plants i'm trying to learn as much as i can possibly learn before diving into this thing... i already have my entire grow system picked out total is at $310.00 thats without ventilation but thats cuz idk enough about it yet... what are you packing?