High humidity In Veg

Hello all, Newbie question I guess, just kinda stumped me. I have been hitting high humidity in veg (75-80%) Every where around room is at 45% Anyway Im gonna install a 4" fan in there hooked up to a humidistat/temp sensor but cant think where to put it at. Common sense says humidity is heavier and should be exausted out the bottom, but its not really. Humidity is lighter. Anyone know anything about this?


Well-Known Member
um well humidity goes up yea, thats how clouds form, then the night comes, and it drops, and you get dew droplets on the ground.
your humidity is high, im in a tropical climate and i dont hit over 60%. a fan would help yea, or a dehumidifier, or AC unit.
its ok for seedlings, but when those babies are in flowering, you dont wanna risk any mildew/fungus/rot.
I currently do not have any intake or exhaust in my veg room, Just a heater, humidifier, and a fan. Trying to find a way to balance my veg all year long.


Well-Known Member
Intake low exhaust high. Heat (and the humidity) rise upwards. Is the room with the humidifier the problem room?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, unless your getting mold or something weird - I wouldn't worry about humidity being too high in veg.


New Member
having good humidity is Veg is key to healthy plants when was the last time any of you walked thru a green house :))
IMO 60 to 80 humidity is perfect
when flipping to flower what so many growers will do is lower there humidity to fast this causeing some serious issues
what i found to work the best is up to 4th week 65 - 75 when goin into 5th week lowering it to 55- 65 6th week 45 to 55 till done
plants seem to really get frosty

Hope this helps

