High quality Cannabutter - need help


Well-Known Member
I recently made a batch of budder and it didn't turn out well at all. I used 6 sticks of butter and 45grams of leaf/bud mix. I took a 3+Tbsp dose and did not feel much at all, slight head change but nothing more. I know i used too much butter, prolly at least 3 sticks too much. I used a Crock-pot and kept the temp below 210F The taste was UNBEARABLE Any knowledgeable advice +rep.


Well-Known Member
yeah if theres not much bud but alot of leaf allways use a small amount of butter , id go maybe 1/half tablesoons of butter for alot of leaf


Well-Known Member
Im goin to make another batch today so i can use for christmas, I am goin to use the same Crock pot method, im just wondering how long should i let simmer to ensure maximum THC extraction. The last batch i think i let simmered for too long, 20+ hours, where I hear 6 hours is more than enough. Im goin to use about 30 grams leave/10 grams buds probably use about 2 sticks butter TOPS and alot of water. also I would like to make it so the taste isn't sooo overwhelming of bud, i know there is goin to be some taste of it, but the last batch was seriously disgusting tasting.