high temp/humidity ..........

hey every1,

flipped the switch three weeks ago with the lights on at night. I have a min/max thermometer/humidity meter and highs are 30 degrees and 80% lows are 17 degrees and 55%.

i have a 4 inch intake fan and a 5 inch extraction with a filter in a grow tent smaller than a meter squared. The intake air comes straight from outside and the extraction blows out into the room the tent is in.

they are well and truely flowering now and i need to sort this out asap

post any ideas u may have please thanks peeps


Well-Known Member
ok, so 30 = 86 farenheit. 86 degrees is what you should have said, nothing personal, just easier.
That is high, but not so high as to hurt the plants. I have heard 85 is the cutoff, so ur close to ok.

But, add an extraction fan, air cool ur light, add a oscillating fan (pointed right below the light to move the hot air off the plants)
I need your full setup info to help more, so will anyone else, with pics.
id say get a higher cfm extraction fan for starters.


Well-Known Member
i have one indoors and one out, one indoors is at 81c / 40 , and at night 75c / 55

shes doing great, the one outside , well today its 34c / 40 out there and she looks even better than the one inside.