High times magazine


Well-Known Member
Does any1 else have issues tryn order high times magazine? I recently got charged for my 2nd years subscription and haven't even received 1 magazine.

I have e-mailed them several times about this, but I'd say within last few months haven't even got a reply.

Just wondering if I'm the only 1 having this problem ( not issue lol)
TBH I haven't got a hightimes mag since the 90s lol. But that's awesome they still have it. Have you checked to see if maybe you were resubscribed as a digital subscription? Don't know if they have it but figured no one else was giving input. Sucks as I always fondly remember hightimes and the top 100. Never thought they would turn and ignore there readers especially when pictures and content is so freely available now days. I hope you get it solved.