Hiw many should i sprout?

You can never know. They might all be male. They might all be female. 1-4 or 2-3 male vs female either way. Plant made whatever ratio it threw and then someone packaged the seeds. So they could have selected good or bad for you. Possibilities unfolding.
You are a farmer. Over plant, cull the weak, breed the strongest, harvest future gold.
Plant all 5. When you sex them, move the males elsewhere under any light. Any light. Collect pollen on paper. Put in a container. Using a small paint brush, dab a touch of pollen to some lower flowers.
You will get mostly seedless flower and also F2 seeds of same. If you liked it, grow it again. May surprise yourself with something better than you bought.
You can never know. They might all be male. They might all be female. 1-4 or 2-3 male vs female either way. Plant made whatever ratio it threw and then someone packaged the seeds. So they could have selected good or bad for you. Possibilities unfolding.
You are a farmer. Over plant, cull the weak, breed the strongest, harvest future gold.
Plant all 5. When you sex them, move the males elsewhere under any light. Any light. Collect pollen on paper. Put in a container. Using a small paint brush, dab a touch of pollen to some lower flowers.
You will get mostly seedless flower and also F2 seeds of same. If you liked it, grow it again. May surprise yourself with something better than you bought.
Me playing with pollen is like me playing with a real light saber. Instant dismemberment.