HLG 260's on a light mover


Active Member
I just got two of the new RSpec HLG 260s delivered and I'm replacing my single HID thouie. I've always loved my Gualala Robotics 3.5 mover. It left the factory in 2004 and has gone though a few rebuild kits. I also have an extra trolley. I'd like to mount the LEDs side by side on the light mover and run them over two rows of three plants. Before I reinvent the wheel, has anybody made a frame for two quantum board style lights with heatsinks from hardware store aluminum stock etc? The lights are heavier than I expected and I'm afraid I'll need help to hang them. Also... It would be especially cool if I could adjust the angle. Presently my HID hangs without a reflector between two rows of plants ~ 36" tall.
Thanks in advance!
PS. 6 plants in the veg tent - Four GG#4 and two Strawnanas from Harborside's new Royal Bud Line. Don't know why they stopped carrying Dark Heart. These were a bit smaller and growing in some sort of foam-soil composite plugs rather than glass blocks. Nice white roots.