Hmm, any ideas anyone?


Active Member
What this might be?

Plants are 4 maybe 5 weeks into flowering, grown in compost and fed comfrey mixed with a small amount of tomato feed, 2 are suffering fromn the same problem.

They get taken outside in the morning and back in at night.

Looks fungal to me but being an amateur to all this i dont want to self diagnose the wrong thing.


Well-Known Member
look for spider mites on under side of leaf. they are super small but if you look long enough you can see them moving


Active Member
Is there a white silky/spider web feeling substance on the main stem near the base or anything? and can be be scraped and it's sticky and smells kinda funky? if so then it is most likely spider mites but if not then maybe there were aphids on it although they would most likely bite through your plant and eat away at it, maybe silverfish? hit me back with your finding on the stem if any.


Well-Known Member
if it`s a fungus you should be able to wipe it off. i`ll check my library.


Well-Known Member
what is comfrey? and what is the n/p/k of the tomatoe feed. is it miricle grow.