Hobbyist Grower Seeks Advice

Howdy doodily, thank you for stopping by.

Looking for someone experienced in building deep dark dungeons. >.> Jk.

Im a hobbyist grower seeking advice on the final touches of a plan I have been
cooking up for some time now. The specifics I will keep for a private conversation,
but the grow ill involve a SOG, aeroponic cloner, SCROG, top drip feed system, organic elements.

If your bored, have experience in this area, and feel like answering a few questions from someone
who has dreamed of this "experiment" for a very, very, very long time and would like to get as much
right as possible from the get go, please post here or send me a PM. I'll be checking in daily, more towards early morning and late evenings of the day.

Thanks for tuning in, hope your 420 was good, enjoy the week
Hmm, I have found intrest......I'll start with. Why a combination of SOG and SCROG ? I would think more along the lines of one or the other space dependent.....Then again I have done some massive SOG's years ago!

Now if YOUR interested? PM me!
Howdy doodily Dr. Who,

Thanks for checking in and showing interest. Sorry it has taken me a bit to get back, work, life, etc etc. I hope you will find time to check in and on this and throw your weight opinion around. As of the moment my membership is too new and I can't quite PM people yet. >.> But I've been lurking on these forums since 2008 and soaking up knowledge for quite some time.

As to your first question, ehh....not quite as SOGreeny as one person might think. More staggered harvest...but yah. Just to give you an idea of what I am planning, it will be 10ftx10ftx10ft Flowering Tent, 8 separate trays, 2 per group of staggered harvest, around 3,600-4,000 watts, and the mother/clone/veg area to supply it on schedule. :P

But I digress back to the questions:

1) I've looked at a bunch of soils, will probably go with a mixture of FFOF, Coco Fiber(Experience with this in micro grows), and perlite.
Is the coco fiber and perlite redundant, or is it beneficial to have both in there? (Easy question to google, just never looked it up and want to get the gears rolling on something easy.)

2) Now something in detail: When starting this project, my biggest fears will be preventing over watering of younger plants such as first or second month of vegging after cloning. If I am using a flood and drain system, with 16 oz cup, and a 1/4 FFoF, 2/4 Coco, 1/4 Perlite, do you think watering once every three days will be enough to see how much more/less they need without over/under watering too severely? (Imagine avg conditions for hum, temp, etc for other factors.)

3) God knows I want to ask if you have a personal soil/amendment/nutrient mix that you prefer or know about that is easy and cheap to obtain, but I have seen that asked too many times and will google it myself. ^>^

Thank you, I have more questions, but I will be patient. I'll probably catch your reply in a day or two and take a bit longer to write up a reply.