Hoi! I'm a seedling!

Smort Pat

Well actually Ive been growing on and off for almost 40 years now, indoors and outdoors, guerilla style as well as backyard.

I started to grow indoor with HPS in the old days (before grow shops!) but called it quits when kids where in the house. and now recently a very happy converted LED grower.

I tested consumer LED bulbs for autos indoor a few years ago, and was already convinced, but recent developments leave HPS far behind as far as umol/J ratings.
So now I got myself a 300 W LED, a tent and started some seeds to veg a while in a small pot to later transplant them to big smart pots in living soil fashion. I am planning a no till/slow fill sustainable grow.

The backyard garden has seen enough potting soil so I aim to at least reuse my indoor soil.
Tips are appreciated from experienced indoor no-tillers!

You might consider me an oldtimer from the Netherlands... The past 20 years the growing here has been only outside occasionally, just for the heck of seeing our beauties grow and smell the stink...

I just started a new small indoor grow to beat the wet weather weed we are used to from outside here locally, I decided it's time for growing some premium bud!
Where I live there are over 12 coffeeshops, so choice has never been a problem here for over 30 years now, but the prices are ridiculous...

seedling out...

Smort Pat

Ah well, it's a lifelong learning process for all of us!

But it's fun to see myths being busted, now public scientific research is more and more possible and available.

Guys in the US are now way ahead again since legalisation... Here in NL we still suffer halfhearted regulation discussions that only seem to bring benefit to the illegal market and in the near future some lucky corporate growers.

No hope for smalltime homegrowers.... Ah well...


Well-Known Member
Ah well, it's a lifelong learning process for all of us!

But it's fun to see myths being busted, now public scientific research is more and more possible and available.

Guys in the US are now way ahead again since legalisation... Here in NL we still suffer halfhearted regulation discussions that only seem to bring benefit to the illegal market and in the near future some lucky corporate growers.

No hope for smalltime homegrowers.... Ah well...
As it goes more and more legit growing for yourself will be something that isn't looked down on in the same light as in the past. Here it is common place for neighbors to grow and share with each other.. Just like home brewing beer, but way more common. Can you grow if you have a medical card there?

Smort Pat

Hi, nope.. no medical cards here... the situation is crazy and a bit unexplainable, but you can buy 5 grams per day in a coffeeshop but police will kill the plants in your garden, and if you have over 4 OR grow with a light they will charge you for criminal activity. If you trade some weed you are a dealer, and when you trade clones they will charge you for organised crime...