Holding hits in does work very well.


I want to prove to you all that I have to say for myself that holding in my hits longer makes me get a little bit higher, and it definately hits me hard for sure. Right now i'm pretty baked, i had just taken 2 bong hits when usually it takes me atleast 3 or 4 of the same stuff (not the best strain) and i have to say holding the smoke in your lungs for 7 seconds is the best. I used to only hold hits in for about 3 or 4 seconds. & you get 100% of the thc for sure ANY longer than 7 and you are just going to make your lungs hurt for awhile and it'll just be oxygen deprivation. so just thought i'd let you guys know it works, however about 90% of the thc is inhaled at 2 seconds so 5 or 7 is the best.


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Staff member
I want to prove to you all that I have to say for myself that holding in my hits longer makes me get a little bit higher, and it definately hits me hard for sure. Right now i'm pretty baked, i had just taken 2 bong hits when usually it takes me atleast 3 or 4 of the same stuff (not the best strain) and i have to say holding the smoke in your lungs for 7 seconds is the best. I used to only hold hits in for about 3 or 4 seconds. & you get 100% of the thc for sure ANY longer than 7 and you are just going to make your lungs hurt for awhile and it'll just be oxygen deprivation. so just thought i'd let you guys know it works, however about 90% of the thc is inhaled at 2 seconds so 5 or 7 is the best.
Hypoxia...... and more aerobic exercise, much more. Welcome to RIU.


Active Member
holding it in for 7 secs gives me a headache after a while. lack of oxygen and whatnot. lots of bong/pipe hits.