Holes in leaves can't find bugs

This has been going on for basically the entirety of this plants life and I have noticed that more holes keep appearing. However, if this is a bug problem wouldn't I be seeing holes on the other two plants in the tent? I have searched for inchworms even though I'm growing indoors. I am in the process of being my house and getting rid of the fleas on my two dogs they picked up from the neighbor dogs. I know this sounds crazy but could fleas be doing this? Or house flies? I can't think of anything else it could be. I have three plants and only one was affected first and that plant never showed any new holes after the first time I found them. However the 2nd plant started showing holes around the same time and it has progressed ever since. the 3rd plant has no holes? I know there are other issues with my plants right now but I couldn't post but ten pics so I have to make a different post about the other issues going on. Mag. Deficiency is going on I know. But anyways I have no clue what this is. If it was bugs wouldn't the 3rd plant have at least one holes somewhere? It's the healthiest plant also by the way
does anyone know what this could be? Could it be from getting nutrient solution on the leaves?....
The 1st plant that experienced the issue 1st only has a few small holes and one big one but only on the older leaves since it never progressed.
The 1st plant is pictured in the first six pictures that are attached.
The 2nd plant has big holes and chopped off looking pieces even on the new growth and it has progressed. The last four pictures are of the 2nd plant.


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This is what the first plant used to look like when it was first affected but again never progressed.


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Have tou taken a microscope to them? Could also be genetics or even just manhandling in general. As long as the holes don’t seem to be spreading to other leaves/parts of the plant you should be ok. Could be genetic. Just watch and see if it only appears on leaves from that one stem. I have a plant who gets holes in it, always seems to be the same branch putting them out also.
Pest... some kind of caterpillar or slug probably. Are you outdoors? Slugs live under your pots and come out to feed at night... take a look under your pots...
Leaves twist and tear all the time.
Tissue on some leaves grows compromised producing holes.
It's one of the mysteries of growing cannabis in tents under artificial light with artificial elements such as wind and daylight hours.
I get these every grow. It's not bugs.
I havent been growing long but i had similar problems mine was mag problem. Ive notice its usally nutrient to much or not enough.
Have tou taken a microscope to them? Could also be genetics or even just manhandling in general. As long as the holes don’t seem to be spreading to other leaves/parts of the plant you should be ok. Could be genetic. Just watch and see if it only appears on leaves from that one stem. I have a plant who gets holes in it, always seems to be the same branch putting them out also.
I have not taken a microscope but I know that I need to go buy one and check with one. I'm just broke right now. Could I get just any regular microscope to do it? I think I may have a regular one. On the smaller plant, it has not spread but on the other plant it has been spreading. I wasnt worried at first because it wasn't spreading. I honestly thought it was from getting nute water on the leaves when I was feeding. Now that I see its started to spread on the second one I'm confused to what's going on. I'll check with a microscope asap. I have seen a lot of stuff on youtube though with people saying that they have holes and no bugs and they never figured it out
Pest... some kind of caterpillar or slug probably. Are you outdoors? Slugs live under your pots and come out to feed at night... take a look under your pots...
I am actually growing in a tent indoors so that's what's confusing also and I lift my pots just about every day and I haven't seen any. There are slugs on some flowers I have growing outside but I don't know how they would get in my tent inside but I will check again and search the soil again. I'm probably gonna get some neem oil when I can just in case it's something I can't see. Hopefully, it doesn't get too bad.
Leaves twist and tear all the time.
Tissue on some leaves grows compromised producing holes.
It's one of the mysteries of growing cannabis in tents under artificial light with artificial elements such as wind and daylight hours.
I get these every grow. It's not bugs.
Ya know I did notice that some of these leaves would seem to grow out like this, it was weird. When the new leaves would just start to grow, the holes would already be there. It almost looked like a deformity! but I'm glad someone else says they get them too. I have searched the internet and everything either says bugs or that they don't know. I too believe it's probably from many things due to growing indoors with nutes, lights, handling, manipulation, stress, etc.
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I am having the exact same issue. This is my first grow. This is also the first thread I've seen that sounds accurate to what I'm experiencing.


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This has been going on for basically the entirety of this plants life and I have noticed that more holes keep appearing. However, if this is a bug problem wouldn't I be seeing holes on the other two plants in the tent? I have searched for inchworms even though I'm growing indoors. I am in the process of being my house and getting rid of the fleas on my two dogs they picked up from the neighbor dogs. I know this sounds crazy but could fleas be doing this? Or house flies? I can't think of anything else it could be. I have three plants and only one was affected first and that plant never showed any new holes after the first time I found them. However the 2nd plant started showing holes around the same time and it has progressed ever since. the 3rd plant has no holes? I know there are other issues with my plants right now but I couldn't post but ten pics so I have to make a different post about the other issues going on. Mag. Deficiency is going on I know. But anyways I have no clue what this is. If it was bugs wouldn't the 3rd plant have at least one holes somewhere? It's the healthiest plant also by the way
does anyone know what this could be? Could it be from getting nutrient solution on the leaves?....
The 1st plant that experienced the issue 1st only has a few small holes and one big one but only on the older leaves since it never progressed.
The 1st plant is pictured in the first six pictures that are attached.
The 2nd plant has big holes and chopped off looking pieces even on the new growth and it has progressed. The last four pictures are of the 2nd plant.
You said you were flea bombing house? Does that effect plants?
Did you accidentally hit the plant with a vacuum like a shop vac? lol I do that sometimes.. Another thing that I've seen cause that is if the plant at some point wilted and that part of the leaf got that almost rolling paper thin look in between the veins, eventually just crisping up and falling off the leaf.

I'd say no common pests like thrips, mites, aphids, gnats would be doing that type of damage.
It is not fleas and it is not flies. There are no indications of pests that I can see. If it is insects or mites they will leave different signs than that behind............

I get that sort of thing when I handle the plant or repot it or put it under more intense light. It may be a response to some type of stress but I dont think it is an issue come flower time.
I have the exact same problem for the first time as well and its the first time growing in soil. Never had it before. Bugs were my first thought but I could not find any.
It looks like that the new leaves can't unfold. The folds are like glued together, this is where the hole appears.
Doesn't seem to have an effect other than the foliage is damaged.
Let's see how it goes!

Edit: it's also the first time I lowered my lights (led)
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