holes in leaves


Well-Known Member
OK, I did a search with the word holes and leaves and it brings me no where near my problem :lol:

so I have pictures but they are pretty lame,sorry it`s the best I could do, I am wondering what are those holes from, I didnt foliar fed for a long time so it`s not water burning the plants from the lights. It`s hard to tell if the problem is spreading itself at this point but this morning I counted 4 leaves with pretty similar holes.

Could it be the remainder of the ladybugs munching on leaves since there is no bugs?




Active Member
hmm..are they holes or does it look like a piece of the leaf is missing?does it look like part of the leaf is gone,or like it didnt grow properly

ive been noticing that to..some deformed leaves..
,ive used a x100 scope and i see no bugs anywhere..and my other strains didnt have the leaves just a lot of this one strain.


Well-Known Member
Can you take some pictures that are clear?

I can tell you it's not ladybugs, their carnivores, and after saying that I have to ask about the chances of earwigs being in the house.


Well-Known Member
Ican get better picture in 12 hours..

how bad are earwigs for marij plant? I havent seen any around yet. What can I do to repel them if thats the case?

They didnt grow this way it appeared gradually, well one hole I notice a few days ago and this morning 2 more .. but the light were just about to go off so I didnt spend much time looking at all.

I just flip to 12/12 last night so I wanna make sure I get on top of this, thanks for your help!!


Well-Known Member
Earwigs are voracious herbivores, they'll decimate a plant given half a chance.

They like moist areas, dislike light, hide under things like plates, cords, books etc.

there's a powder you can buy and use to draw a circle around your plant, it doesn't outright kill them, it's non toxic and all natural. It works by cutting through the earwigs protective wax-ish coating and the bug dries up and dies over a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
the problem with this method is that I am scrogging, ... I have a big screen touching the wall, it would be easy for them to find a way around it... now I have not seen any earwigs yet , I will look carefully next time the light is on. My room is so small that there is a few spot I cant even look, but the room is pretty well sealed so I cant see my room being invaded by that many of them. What else could cose those holes? i know the pictures suck i will do my best later tonight.


Well-Known Member
If were assuming it's an insect you only have a few choices for house bugs that are leaf chewers. The issue could also be chemical or environmental as well.

If your really concerned I'll check the new pictures when you post them and offer my thoughts on them. Make sure their clear and crisp and in focus.


Active Member
Can you take some pictures that are clear?

I can tell you it's not ladybugs, their carnivores, and after saying that I have to ask about the chances of earwigs being in the house.
They'll eat vegetation when their hungry enough, but they prefer other bugs by far.

I feed mine raisins so they'll stay in the garden.


Well-Known Member
a few better pics of the problem. one of them looks like a different problem, the one with the hole at the tip of the leaf, look like a light burn. I must say that I have a UVB lamp on about 10 hours a day, 125W reptile lamp. I have use this light for about 3 weeks during veg, sometimes 18 hours a day, sometimes every other hour so 9 hours a day then. I don't know if it could be part of the problem. Otherwise the plants look really healthy and bushy, cannot wait to see them flower!



Active Member
how do you feed them raisin?! you chew it for them?! hehe
Yeah I eat them, then after their digested a little bit I go down stairs a puke a little bit up on each lady bug. At first they will just woddle around in the puke, but eventually they start eating.

Really though just spray the raisons with water and they'll hope on that shit when they get hungry enough.