Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - Mission HQ!


Well-Known Member

Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series - Mission HQ


Hello and welcome to the Holistic B.S.B.P. Memorial Grow Series Mission Headquarters! All hail Discordia!

This is a series of threads in different sections of the forums, all with their own topics relating to my new grow set-up. In this thread here, I will keep you updated on the project in general, post links and descriptions to each topic in the different sections and offer you a starting point, and a point of return.
In the end, this is meant as a thorough step by step log of building a grow from scratch, to maximum efficiency. The goal is not profit, but quality, and to learn on that path getting there.
Please note that many of the posts will be edited and several bit and pieces will be kept up to date and reflect the present, so make sure you come back from time to time. Further below, you will find the change log, where I make note of changed or newly added threads and sections. If you have questions, or tips, or answers to any of the questions I might be asking, please do so in the individual topical threads, or if you have general questions, or want to discuss this project, go to the Q & A thread.

The Project Status Announcement Robot said:
The project is currently in a planning and testing stage. Several bits are pieces are acquired to test-build several elements that will play a part in the bigger picture. The room is being planned, as is the whole set-up. See the different topics for more details.

About the Grow

We are moving in a few weeks and I finally have enough space again to start growing my own. I have done so several times before over several years and I am good at it, but I had to pause for a while, because of work and life and all those pesky little things. But I am about to go back to what I really love to do; and this time, I will be doing it the way I have wanted to do it for some time now, full on high end.
I am a connoisseur myself and I tend to share what I reap. This is not about cash crop, not about growing for cheap or easily, this is geek master level stuff. It costs way more than it has to and it is way more complicated than it has to be; but it is so for several reasons, which I will go into, in the individual sections. Overall, I like the building of the set-up as much as I like the grow and it just adds to my love, joy and happiness, when my projects work as they should and produce tangible, beautiful and tasty product. Among those who had my crops, I have been deemed among the best and that is one of the few things I actually take pride in. Gaining a new level in growing, is as much fun as is using what you harvest. And this will be a new level.

Quick Project Plans Overview
  • Mirrored Dual Chamber Grow
  • Fogponic System
  • Fully Automated & Remotely Controlled
  • Automated Mix, Feeding & Cleansing System
  • High Power COB DIY LED Grow Lights
  • Connoisseur Strain Choices
  • Mother Room & Clone Chamber Set-Up
  • Perpetual Mother Preservation Project
  • Super Trimming, SCROGing, Plant Manipulation, Grow Room Music, UVB supplements, Ladybug Home Grow, Artificial Sunrise/Sunset (Far Red Spectrum Initiators), CO² Injections, Altrnative Temperature Control, Sensory Data Collections, Connoisseur Post Harvest Treatment & Fermentation, 4K Bud Porn, Vlogs & Videos, and probably much more...

Series Topics & Links



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Change Log

Aug. 21st 2016
  • Initial Main Thread Posted
  • Q&A Section Posted
  • There Shall Be Light Posted
    • Part Section Updated
    • My Unanswered Question Posted
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So it turns out - did not know this before i started and was told way into starting several of the threads i wanted to interconnect to create this somewhat more holistic grow journal that would have doubled as guides, Q&A, idea and inspirational threads etc. - you can not edit posts after 12h of creation has passed. which means that all the posts i started will be locked tomorrow and it will all stop to work the way i thought i could do this.
This should be a simple setting an admin with high enough permission can adjust and fix. Until then, I will probably do it in a different forum with less restrictive editing rules.

I will try to post a request to change these settings, but don't expect too much...
Sorry about that :(

should this change, i will be happy to put the effort in to give you something interesting to read
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I have moved the grow journal to a smaller forum - same software, better community interaction from the admins, very open to suggestions, way less commercially orientated. it is small and does not have the same amount of experts one would find here, so i will be frequenting these forums too. and i will keep you up to date with the biggest changes. and maybe, at the end of each topic, i will just post a detailed summary. But if you want to follow the project as it evolves, click the image in my signature. Love to have you with me over there!