holy crap!

hey i guess i should be posting this in the newbies section lol, i heard you can flower a plant at any size, is this true, im growing in a very short closet and am not growing low ryders or anything, whats the shortest height that i could flower them at? and im using hydroponics and was wondering if its nessesary to keep watering the top of your rockwool cubes and your hydroton even when your roots go down into the water?



Well-Known Member
hey i guess i should be posting this in the newbies section lol, i heard you can flower a plant at any size, is this true, im growing in a very short closet and am not growing low ryders or anything, whats the shortest height that i could flower them at? and im using hydroponics and was wondering if its nessesary to keep watering the top of your rockwool cubes and your hydroton even when your roots go down into the water?

Hey brian, its true you can flower at any time! I have a plant that has been on 12/12 since seed and it is flowering now. It does not matter what size the plant is, but how mature it is. I try to let my plants veg for 4 wks till I flip em. This way they are developed well. If space is a concerne thaen I would top and lst em to keep em small. As for the hydro info, I am a soil guy so can,t help ya there, sorry.

Hope it helped




Active Member
You might want to look into SOG/ScROG, a cool method for flowering small single cola plants in short confined spaces.

If you're already starting, look into bending and tying your plants down to control their height/flower production.