holy fuck what should i do


Well-Known Member
sooooo heres the skinny, i have 5 plants in a rubbermaid that are just finishing up there first week of 12/12

these fuckers went from 10 inches to 24 inches after 6 days....
there now battling hardcore for light against the big dog thats right in the center, i have them set up like the 5 on a dice..... can i still supercropp this lat to increase light going to the bottom or what, im at a loss.
these things i know are gonna keep geting bigger but fck i dunno what i should do


Well-Known Member
negative, imagine this two rough next rubbermaids, no lids are used, i have one as the base holding the plants, and one flipped over with the lights firmly attached to what should be the bottom of the container


this is how the plants are positioned


Well-Known Member
i dont see why you cant supercrop but if u decide not to you could always just weigh down the branches so the plant sort of opens up to expose inner parts or your plants to the light maybe get some small mirrors and put them in between you pots so light bounces off and hits the plant also so they get more of the light that they have been fighting for

X :: X
X :: X


Well-Known Member
the canopy got so thick in the last 48 hours its redic, ill try droppin a irror or to in there see how that works, i mean i got nothing but white walla so ligts bouncin pretty dank its just the canopy is thickkkk