Holy Smoke Seeds


New Member
So my Strawberry Daugpound has turned hermaphrodite in my gro tent... Just 1 plant out of 4 which suggests that it is a genetic flaw not gro conditions... After contacting Nick Tops, owner of Holy Smoke Seeds I have been called stupid and defriended...
Very unprofessional....
Will not buy Holy Smoke Seeds again...
Never heard of him but I have had "reputable breeders" that I had hermies and even full blown males in fems
No way to ever be a 100% but being an ass is gonna effect his business in the long run
Not only does he claim it's impossible (because somehow he has perfected nature? Smh), but the first thing he does is call you an idiot or a 'noob' in his words, then makes inferences about how the only reason you would mention it is to get freebies.

I had some messages with him where I didn't even blame or accuse him once, I was literally just sharing disappointment that I wouldn't get to try this strain due to what happened. I even said it it wasn't his fault.... but he became incredibly defensive and rude right from the beginning.

I have no interest in bad vibes, so I said I was happy to cut my losses, wished him well and said that I wouldn't respond any more.

One day later he is still going off at me as if I spat on his mother's grave.

The guy had a serious problem and I hope nobody else has the misfortune of crossing paths with him.