Home Depot RDWC


Well-Known Member
I noticed most of the people here use ebb and flow fittings, anyone use it just from stuff from home depot? Id like to build a RDWC system
Ive honestly had poor luck looking for things in stores. I dont recall seeing any uniseals or things of that ebb n flow sort at my local home depot.
If you're avoiding ordering online, I understand. The safest way... if its the last way to get something you need... is to due it via giftcard and mail it to somewhere other than your grow site =) U'd be screwed either way though, if someone/feds/whatever was checking your IP address/posts/mail/etc.
Only thing i ordered was uniseals and pumps the rest was at a depot store! Have a look at my how to thread!
i ordered "aquarium" fittings for my rdwc fittings... you can also use "aero equip" bulkhead fittings but they are mostly for automobile use...