HOO-WEE! Y'all should get a chuckle out of this.

turnip brain

Active Member
:dunce: So I mixed up some supersoil and started it cooking... indoors... in our house. The only space that we keep heated during winter.

A day or two after setting it under the staircase, a little um, organic odor started happening around the stairs.

Couple more days, really noticeable, has to be the supersoil doing it's thing.

Couple more days, the wife is complaining GAK!

Today I agree, it has to go, I opened up the container and started shoveling into the bags so I can carry it out of here. HOLY SHIT. Seriously, whole house reeks of Manure! :shock::shock::shock:

Opening all doors and windows. Thank goodness it is above freezing today!

Now where to put it so it doesn't cool off too much. Insulated with a heater in a crawl space I guess.

Don't cook supersoil in your living space!


Well-Known Member
try warming it up and putting it in a cooler? if you have one big enough haha.

that should keep it warm. hahahaha


Active Member
the smell will start to fade after it has "cooked" for a few weeks. also, too much moisture in your soil can cause things to get pretty rank.