Hopefully 28 years of fake neo-con/Soros Genocidal wars are over-Bushes/Clintons/O

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
It's been a big f**king game and for 28 years we ALL got played by these C$I$A$ puppets who ran drugs in Mena, AR, heroin in Afghanistan, heroin during Vietnam. All the "great" fortunes of many of the NE bluebloods were made in the Opium Wars in China. Black Lives matter? Well not so much in drug turf wars in Chicago where the big beneficiary is Rahm Emmanuel and his cronies.

The Bushes have been involved in making money in every war since WW2 with the exception of maybe Korea.

Bill Clinton is like a Bush adopted son. Kudos for Republicans for FINALLY getting hip at how evil these people are. Hopefully Dems will wake up soon. These F**ks also divide us at every turn. So everyone wake up and stop hating each other - this is what they want. $10 trillion wasted on phony wars, proxy wars, coups, false flags and millions of dead innocent people in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Yemen, Serbia, Iraq and many other places to line these evil fux pockets.

for 28 years we ALL



Is this true that she won the popular vote?? My my. Did she say she disputes the results like Donny promised he would do?
Is this true that she won the popular vote?? My my. Did she say she disputes the results like Donny promised he would do?

This is not what the thread is about. It is about how we ALL have been conned for 28 years by these evil people who should be up on war crimes. They murdered millions for defense contractors, elites, bankers, Soros and other billionaires for trillions they also looted from taxpayers. Keep your head buried in the sand.
Grab 'em by the pussy. That's different, all right.

You think rump doesn't know how to fleece? Lol
This is not what the thread is about. It is about how we ALL have been conned for 28 years by these evil people who should be up on war crimes. They murdered millions for defense contractors, elites, bankers, Soros and other billionaires for trillions they also looted from taxpayers. Keep your head buried in the sand.
Have you only just realised this, you sound like some demented redneck waking from a moonshine coma
Quick to jump in line and say this is a bullshit thread.

By all means, carry on

Probably two million or more innocent people in almost a dozen countries murdered by these monsters over the past 28 years for $$$ and you call it bullshit? Sad to be you. LBJ pulled the same shit in Indochina and they killed JFK because he was against it along with being against the C$$IA and The Fed.

I am ready to start taking bets who will be first to return to Satan - Bill, Hill or old man Bush who is the king pin and has been like a dad to Bill. Old man Bush, Soros, David Rockefeller, Kissinger and Brezenski - all NWO neocon monsters may still outlive bill and Hill. F these monsters.
Have you only just realised this, you sound like some demented redneck waking from a moonshine coma

Lame. Sorry if I have empathy for 2 million plus innocent people murdered by these NeoCon monsters for profit. You and your ilk are just illiterate. Go back to your pipe.
It would be one thing if you had something to contribute. You do not. You never do. People tell you this, but you'd rather not listen. When the messenger is an idiot, the message gets skewed toward idiot.
Lame. Sorry if I have empathy for 2 million plus innocent people murdered by these NeoCon monsters for profit. You and your ilk are just illiterate. Go back to your pipe.
You paid tax to these people for all those years, go back to sipping foreshots, shine head