horizontal/vertical growing [possible?]


Well-Known Member
OmegaGarden.com - Omega Gardens™: Industry Leading Hydroponics Designs for Indoor Gardening

how do yall think this could be translated into a bud device? if yall get any ideas for a DIY, lemme know....

also? could it be possple to just do straight horizontal?

like this...

8 >->->->-D

instead of


did a little researching and came up with this... its calle phototropism...


i was wondering all this because i got the PERFECT stealth spot, but its only 18" tall, but 3' long... and i dont wanna LST cuz im a noob and everything i touch turns to shit....


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you would be able to support the stem against gravity then it could work, either from above (hook) or below some kind of platform.


Well-Known Member
Something like that, but how would you plant it in soil? or some other medium? how would you water? It should be possible to figure this out.

Do you have photos of the area that you are considering to do this? I can then draw over it in photoshop if you like, what could work maybe.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
looks like a waste a good money to me. All those mechanical pieces cost money, gears, chains, motors. A friend of mine was useing those light movers, and one of them broke, it almost caused a fire. He was luck it woke him up.



Well-Known Member
i dont have a camera and i cracked the lens of the one on my phone, so no pictures, but its 13.5"x31"x18" [lwh] and i was planning on using rockwool. also for watering i was planning on putting a small aquarium water pump in [attached to a timer] and run it directly into the soil above the stem about 2-3" the stem in about 4" [so it would water the roots directly, is this a bad idea?] and run it about 5 mins every 36 hours or so... maybe every 48....

lord dangly bits... i dont understand what you mean... all i would have is 5 14w cfls, a exaust fan, and a pump... and 2 timers... what gears chains and motors? help me understand...


Well-Known Member
also i was thinking of running those long flor tubes down the length... like 1 or 2 on each side [for a total of 2 or 4].... but no where have i found a cfl tube, only regular flores tube... will these still work?


Well-Known Member
They will I started with two of them but the compact cfls are giving me much better results, my plant is growing at the same speed but the foliage is much denser and larger fan leaves etc., if you get good flourescent tubes it could be good, like the t-5's or whatever.

I think I have an idea but decribe the area in more detail. if not draw it in a raw form.


Well-Known Member
hey...soo are you talking about building aa hommade wheel( or ferris wheel) as we call them... well i have a buddy of mine that made one... however the thing was massive...8 feet long and 4 feet wide...costed him close to 2 grand a little change to make it...it was a engineering marvel!! your best best is to see if you can find one used orr the next best thing that comes close to light effectiveness to make a diy stadium ( Northern farmer) im in trails right now with one... or even a vertical cage using Y pipe pieces stacked on top of each other and 4 inch net cups facing in...however what ever you choose every location or ( spot) has the best ideal type of sytem.. soo keep that in mine..... i have posted a few pics of my Gi grow... which is like an omega but its run to waste drip watering sytem...I will be starting a new run in about a week or two soo look for a diary if you want some more info regarding....



Well-Known Member
He's not interested in any rotating contraptions he is considering growing a plant horizontally since he has more horizontal space available than VERTICAL!


Well-Known Member
well my space is [like i said before] 13.5"x31"x18" lwh and is accessable only from the top... its not something i wanna drill into if i dont haveto but if i do i dont really care... its about 95%lightproof already.... uhh.. has an outlet nearby.... anything else?

and naturalhigh... thats fuckin sick! i envy you! that thing looks like it could grow like 500 little plants... how tall could they get before they hit the lights though?

if growing vertical isn't possible... i have another idea but i dont really want to use it if possible.. its not nearly as stealthy...


Well-Known Member
You'll always be fighting geotropism.. I would assume you'd need assistance keeping the stem down, rather than up atleast until buds start to weigh it down..


Well-Known Member
ohh i see what your doing..well i would sugested t5s and or why not a bunch of tiny clones and flower at clone...if you were around my neck of the woods i would fill your box for ya.. .good lock..


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to be a dick, but if you are still a newbie and don't even want to LST your plants, I would not suggest doing a vert grow or trying to invent a new way of growing. Get some grows under you belt in a "normal" grow, and work out all your kinks. Get used to your strains so you know how much they stretch, what ppm and pH they like etc.

If you look at the setup you have for this horizontal grow, isnt it just a regular flat garden just turned on its side? This seems like a giant waste. You should give the LST a try in a space like yours. It will be much easier than trying to set this up.

All you have is 5 14watt lights? Don't use the whole space. Make it like a 1'x1' area and grow one plant. You can't light more than like a sq ft with that much light. There is no need to spend all this time figuring out how to set up your cab. You pretty much only have one option when you are growing with $5 worth of lights. Its going to be that 1sq ft area with like 1 plant in there.