
Well-Known Member
Need some understanding & HAVE grown and have some idea of plant biology.......but if you keen it will help >>>

PLEASE ADD and or CORRECT!!!! ALOT OF INFO SO STRAP YOUR SELF IN GRAB A BONG......... youll be here awhile !
The hormones are not magic. All these hormones are produced naturally by the plant.....the amounts produced by the plant are genetically determined. THIS IS WHERE WE MAKE OUR IMPACT. Ever get a clone/plant that just refuses to grow like the other plants and stays a "dwarf" with misformed leaves, yet the other sister plants are thriving? Chances are the dwarf is not kicking out the hormones for one reason or another. adding hormones to your growing methods allows you to enhance the plant even beyond it's genetic capabilities. The stems are thicker and stronger, leaves are bigger and greener, roots are healthier and more lush and the flowers are bigger, heavier and more resinous. But.....and it's a BIG but....If you can't grow excellent plants without hormones, then adding hormones will make things worse.
Only common sense. You are stimulating the plants to "kick it up a notch" on the growing scale. The plant will need good growing support....nutrients, light, etc, etc.
It's the same sort of thing if you are using CO2 supplementation. You need to have your growing program working @max on other levels first. But In my mind can be CHEAPER and just as effective as Co2 Supp`s. If you had both well...... now were talkin....


Plant Hormone — an endogenous regulator. To be a hormone, a chemical must be produced within the plant, transported from a site of production to a site of action, and be active in small amounts.


Probably the best known of the plant hormones. It's produced by the plants tips and is responsible for the plant growth. The problem with GA3, is that most growth is in the form of "stretching" which isn't always diserable, so except for seeds and clones.

GA3 has some other uses as well. You can intiate male fowers on a female plant but using high doses every day for several days, you can also induce female flowers earlier and yield bigger flowers .

The gibberellins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, and more than 75 have been isolated, to date. Rather than giving each a specific name, the compounds are numbered—for example, GA1, GA2, and so on. Gibberellic acid three (GA3) is the most widespread and most thoroughly studied. The gibberellins are especially abundant in seeds and young shoots where they control stem elongation by stimulating both cell division and elongation (auxin stimulates only cell elongation). The gibberellins are carried by the xylem and phloem. Numerous effects have been cataloged that involve about 15 or fewer of the gibberellic acids. The greater number with no known effects apparently are precursors to the active ones.

I know there has been experimentation with GA3 sprayed on genetically dwarf plants stimulates elongation of the dwarf plants to normal heights. Normal-height plants sprayed with GA3 become giants. like addicott study on next post.

Found a botinist that germinationg 2000yr old exstinct SEEDS into plants with this hormone.

although the results of gibberellic acid (GA3) applications vary depending on many factors, including the type of plants its applied to. In one study of persimmon yield (1) it was found that applications of 15 to 30 PPM increased yields by 50% to 400%. In another study (2) it was even found that if gibberellic acid is applied to a plant the next generation of the plant would also benefit from faster flowering and increased height. In another study of walnut trees it was found that applications of gibbarellic acid (GA3) increased growth by 567% (3).
1) Increasing Persimmon Yields With Gibberellic Acid [www.actahort.org/books/120/120_32.htm]
2) Generations Living with Gibberellic Acid [www.sidwell.edu/us/science/vlb5/Independent_Research_Projects/cgraham/]
3) Gibberellic Acid for Fruit Set and Seed Germination [www.crfg.org/tidbits/gibberellic.html]

A study on persimmons 1 increased yield by at least 50%. This was done with a foliar spray of 15 to 30 ppm when the plants where at full bloom.
1) http://www.actahort.org/books/120/120_32.htm

Functions of Gibberellins

Active gibberellins show many physiological effects, each depending on the type of gibberellin present as well as the species of plant. Some of the physiological processes stimulated by gibberellins are outlined below (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
  • Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division and elongation.
  • Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days.
  • Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require stratification or light to induce germination.
  • Stimulates enzyme production (a-amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed reserves.
  • Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex expression).
  • Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit development.
  • Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits.
Jasmonic acid/Salicylic acid
Large-scale trials of the technology are expected this year.
Researchers have found that plants grown from seeds first dipped in the acid are considerably more resistant to pests.
jasmonic acid. Large-scale trials of the technology are expected this year.
Researchers have found that plants grown from seeds first dipped in the acid are considerably more resistant to pests.

Leaf trichomes protect plants from attack by insect herbivores and are often induced following damage. Hormonal regulation of this plant induction response has not been previously studied. In a series of experiments, we addressed the effects of artificial damage, jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, and gibberellin on induction of trichomes in Arabidopsis. Artificial damage and jasmonic acid caused significant increases in trichome production of leaves. The jar1-1 mutant exhibited normal trichome induction following treatment with jasmonic acid, suggesting that adenylation of jasmonic acid is not necessary. Salicylic acid had a negative effect on trichome production and consistently reduced the effect of jasmonic acid, suggesting negative cross-talk between the jasmonate and salicylate-dependent defense pathways. Interestingly, the effect of salicylic acid persisted in the nim1-1 mutant, suggesting that the Npr1/Nim1 gene is not downstream of salicylic acid in the negative regulation of trichome production. Last, we found that gibberellin and jasmonic acid had a synergistic effect on the induction of trichomes, suggesting important interactions between these two compounds.


Brassinolide is a naturally occuring plant steroid; it is normally found in plants. In fact, it was first discovered HORMONE in plants. Brassinolide has been found to be an important element for plant growth. Foliar spray about every three weeks with a final spray just as change the lights for flowering. It will increase a plants resistance to stress (cold, drought, too high a salt content), it helps the plant locate light, it strengthens a plants resistance to disease. It will also stimulate a plant to grow it's overall root mass. The overall effect is that the plant will be much healthier, stronger and thus the yield will be better. Estimate that the effect is about a 50% better yield than the untreated plants.
A study concluded that Brassinolide increased the growth of the primary root by 90%.
Another study concluded that a 0.0001 PPM application for 8 hours has the best results for the creation of some roots.



This is actually a growth inhibitor. It is sold in Hydro stores in pre-made solutions under various brand names. The idea is that it will stop the plant growth when it's time to start flowering. Not only does this control the final height (useful if you have a low ceiling problem), but also the plant will start to allocate it's growth resources into bud growth sooner. . The growth is halted (actually, some growth still occurs). the effect you see is that bud size that were usually about 5 weeks old are now bud size at 3 weeks. This gives you larger early buds and as you know, you can only build from there. The hit the plants with the Benzylaminopurine and the bud growth takes off.
Abscisic acid - ESSENTIALLY STOPS GROWTH also inhibitor.
Abscisic acid (ABA), despite its name, does not initiate abscission (shedding) , although in the 1960s when it was named botanists thought that it did. It is synthesized in plastids from carotenoids and diffuses in all directions through vascular tissues and parenchyma. Its principal effect is inhibition of cell growth. ABA increases in developing seeds and promotes dormancy. If leaves experience water stress, ABA amounts increase immediately, causing the stomata to close.

Functions of Abscisic Acid

The following are some of the phyysiological responses known to be associated with abscisic acid (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
  • Stimulates the closure of stomata (water stress brings about an increase in ABA synthesis).
  • Inhibits shoot growth but will not have as much affect on roots or may even promote growth of roots.
  • Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins.
  • Inhibits the affect of gibberellins on stimulating de novo synthesis of a-amylase.
  • Has some effect on induction and maintanance of dormancy.
  • Induces gene transcription especially for proteinase inhibitors in response to wounding which may explain an apparent role in pathogen defense
On the cellular level, auxin is essential for cell growth, affecting both cell division and cellular expansion. Depending on the specific tissue, auxin may promote axial elongation (as in shoots), lateral expansion (as in root swelling), or isodiametric expansion (as in fruit growth). In some cases (coleoptile growth) auxin-promoted cellular expansion occurs in the absence of cell division. In other cases, auxin-promoted cell division and cell expansion may be closely sequenced within the same tissue (root initiation, fruit growth). In a living plant it appears that auxins and other plant hormones nearly always interact to determine patterns of plant development.
An auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was the first plant hormone identified. It is manufactured primarily in the shoot tips (in leaf primordia and young leaves), in embryos, and in parts of developing flowers and seeds. Its transport from cell to cell through the parenchyma surrounding the vascular tissues requires the expenditure of ATP energy. IAA moves in one direction only—that is, the movement is polar and, in this case, downward. Such downward movement in shoots is said to be basipetal movement, and in roots it is acropetal.
Auxins alone or in combination with other hormones are responsible for many aspects of plant growth. IAA in particular:
Activates the differentiation of vascular tissue in the shoot apex and in calluses; initiates division of the vascular cambium in the spring; promotes growth of vascular tissue in healing of wounds.
Activates cellular elongation by increasing the plasticity of the cell wall.
Maintains apical dominance indirectly by stimulating the production of ethylene, which directly inhibits lateral bud growth.
Activates a gene required for making a protein necessary for growth and other genes for the synthesis of wall materials made and secreted by dictyosomes.
Promotes initiation and growth of adventitious roots in cuttings.
Promotes the growth of many fruits (from auxin produced by the developing seeds).
Suppresses the abscission (separation from the plant) of fruits and leaves (lowered production of auxin in the leaf is correlated with formation of the abscission layer).
Inhibits most flowering (but promotes flowering of pineapples).
Activates tropic responses.
Controls aging and senescence, dormancy of seeds.

Synthetic auxins are extensively used as herbicides, the most widely known being 2,4-D and the notorious 2,4,5-T, which were used in a 1:1 combination as Agent Orange during the Vietnam War and sprayed over the Vietnam forests as a defoliant.

Synthetic Auxins

Chemists have synthesized several inexpensive compounds similar in structure to IAA. Synthetic auxins, like naphthalene acetic acid, of NAA, are used extensively to promote root formation on stem and leaf cuttings. Gardeners often spray auxins on tomato plants to increase the number of fruits on each plant. When NAA is sprayed on young fruits of apple and olive trees, some of the fruits drop off so that the remaining fruits grow larger. When NAA is sprayed directly on maturing fruits, such as apples, pears and citrus fruits, several weeks before they are ready to be picked; NAA prevents the fruits from dropping off the trees before they are mature. The fact that auxins can have opposite effects, causing fruit to drop or preventing fruit from dropping, illustrates an important point. The effects of a hormone on a plant often depend on the stage of the plant's development.
NAA is used to prevent the undesirable sprouting of stems from the base of ornamental trees. As previously discussed, stems contain a lateral bud at the base of each leaf. IN many stems, these buds fail to sprout as long as the plant's shoot tip is still intact. The inhibition of lateral buds by the presence of the shoot tip is called apical dominance. If the shoot tip of a plant is removed, the lateral buds begin to grow. If IAA or NAA is applied to the cut tip of the stem, the lateral buds remain dormant. This adaptation is manipulated to cultivate beautiful ornamental trees. NAA is used commercially to prevent buds from sprouting on potatoes during storage.
Another important synthetic auxin is 2,4-D, which is an herbicide, or weed killer. It selectively kills dicots, such as dandelions and pigweed, without injuring monocots, such as lawn grasses and cereal crops. Given our major dependence on cereals for food; 2,4-D has been of great value to agriculture. A mixture of 2, 4-D and another auxin, called Agent Orange, was used to destroy foliage in the jungles of Vietnam. A non-auxin contaminant in Agent Orange has caused severe health problems in many people who were exposed to it.

Functions of Auxin

The following are some of the responses that auxin is known to cause (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
  • Stimulates cell elongation
  • Stimulates cell division in the cambium and, in combination with cytokinins in tissue culture
  • Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem
  • Stimulates root initiation on stem cuttings and lateral root development in tissue culture
  • Mediates the tropistic response of bending in response to gravity and light
  • The auxin supply from the apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds
  • Delays leaf senescence
  • Can inhibit or promote (via ethylene stimulation) leaf and fruit abscission
  • Can induce fruit setting and growth in some plants
  • Involved in assimilate movement toward auxin possibly by an effect on phloem transport
  • Delays fruit ripening
  • Promotes flowering in Bromeliads
  • Stimulates growth of flower parts
  • Promotes (via ethylene production) femaleness in dioecious flowers
  • Stimulates the production of ethylene at high concentrations
Boric acid, also called boracic acid or orthoboric acid or Acidum Boricum, is a weak acid often used as an antiseptic, insecticide, flame retardant, in nuclear power plants to control the fission rate of uranium, and as a precursor of other chemical compounds. It exists in the form of colorless crystals or a white powder and dissolves in water.

ORGANS are the relating factor:
Growth and division of plant cells together result in growth of tissue, and specific tissue growth contributes to the development of plant organs. Growth of cells contributes to the plant's size, but uneven localized growth produces bending, turning and directionalization of organs- for example, stems turning toward light sources (phototropism), roots growing in response to gravity (gravitropism), ETC
Organization of the plant
As auxins contribute to organ shaping, they are also fundamentally required for proper development of the plant itself. Without hormonal regulation and organization, plants would be merely proliferating heaps of similar cells. Auxin employment begins in the embryo of the plant, where directional distribution of auxin ushers in subsequent growth and development of primary growth poles, then forms buds of future organs. Throughout the plant's life, auxin helps the plant maintain the polarity of growth and recognize where it has its branches (or any organ) connected.
A number of other effects of auxin are described. (Indoleacetic acid was called heteroauxin in the older literature. The hypothetical auxin a and auxin b have never been isolated and are now generally considered invalid.)
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) - rooting
IBA is a plant hormone in the auxin family and is an ingredient in many commercial plant rooting horticultural products.
For use as such, it should be dissolved in about 75% (or purer) alcohol (as IBA does not dissolve in water), until a concentration from between 10,000 ppm to 50,000 ppm is achieved - this solution should then be diluted to the required concentration using distilled water. The solution should be kept in a cool, dark place for best results.
This compound had been thought to be strictly synthetic; however, it was reported that the compound was isolated from leaves and seeds of maize and other species.
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the most abundant naturally occurring auxin. Plants produce active IAA both by de novo synthesis and by releasing IAA from conjugates. This review emphasizes recent genetic experiments and complementary biochemical analyses that are beginning to unravel the complexities of IAA biosynthesis in plants. Multiple pathways exist for de novo IAA synthesis in plants, and a number of plant enzymes can liberate IAA from conjugates. This multiplicity has contributed to the current situation in which no pathway of IAA biosynthesis in plants has been unequivocally established. Genetic and biochemical experiments have demonstrated both tryptophan-dependent and tryptophan-independent routes of IAA biosynthesis. The recent application of precise and sensitive methods for quantitation of IAA and its metabolites to plant mutants disrupted in various aspects of IAA regulation is beginning to elucidate the multiple pathways that control IAA levels in the plant.

Antiauxin — (synonyms: auxin inhibitor, auxin competitor, auxin antagonist). A compound which competitively inhibits (in the biochemical sense) the action of auxin.
Continued research on auxin has made it apparent that auxin physiology is much more complicated than it first seemed. Auxin appears to be present in all living parts of the plant, mature as well as immature. The amounts present are effected by at least three general processes: auxin production, auxin transport, and auxin inactivation. Many of the early investigations did not recognise the existence of these three processes and their results must be re-evaluated. For example, many studies of auxin transport did not take into account the probability of considerable auxin inactivation during the course of transport. Auxin is produced principally in young tissues, but can also be produced by mature tissues. The amino acid tryptophan, a common constituent of proteins, is the precursor of auxin, but the precise chemical steps of its conversion to auxin are not yet settled. The transport of auxin can be through the parenchyma, as it is in the oat coleoptile, but in more mature tissues transport is largely in the phloem. In the coleoptile transport is correlated with the streaming of protoplasm. Auxin inactivation is accomplished by an oxidative enzyme which can function either in the dark or under the influence of light. Mature tissues have relatively high auxin-inactivating capacities. In addition to these general processes other factors, still obscure, also influence the auxin in tissues. The interaction of these processes and factors determines the level of auxin which is available to influence growth and morphogenesis

ITS TOO BIGGER SUBJECT - try this for MORE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxins

Named because of their discovered role in cell division (cytokinesis), the cytokinins have a molecular structure similar to adenine. Naturally occurring zeatin, isolated first from corn ( Zea mays), is the most active of the cytokinins. Cytokinins are found in sites of active cell division in plants—for example, in root tips, seeds, fruits, and leaves. They are transported in the xylem and work in the presence of auxin to promote cell division. Differing cytokinin:auxin ratios change the nature of organogenesis. If kinetin is high and auxin low, shoots are formed; if kinetin is low and auxin high, roots are formed. Lateral bud development, which is retarded by auxin, is promoted by cytokinins. Cytokinins also delay the senescence of leaves and promote the expansion of cotyledons.
There are two types of cytokinins: adenine-type cytokinins represented by kinetin, zeatin and 6-benzylaminopurine (mentioned), as well as phenylurea-type cytokinins like diphenylurea or thidiazuron (TDZ). The adenine-type cytokinins are synthesised in stems, leaves and roots, which is the major site.Cambiumand possibly other actively dividing tissues are also sites of cytokinin biosynthesis.There is no evidence that the phenylurea cytokinins occur naturally in plant tissues. Cytokinins are involved in both local and long distance signalling, the latter of which involves the same in planta transport mechanism as used for transport of purines and nucleosides.

Cytokinin Functions

A list of some of the known physiological effects caused by cytokinins are listed below. The response will vary depending on the type of cytokinin and plant species (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
  • Stimulates cell division.
  • Stimulates morphogenesis (shoot initiation/bud formation) in tissue culture.
  • Stimulates the growth of lateral buds-release of apical dominance.
  • Stimulates leaf expansion resulting from cell enlargement.
  • May enhance stomatal opening in some species.
  • Promotes the conversion of etioplasts into chloroplasts via stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis.

Effects are thicker and stronger stems, healthier and larger leaves (more surface area to capture light) at 300 ppm. Plant will have more branches, foliar spray of 2000ppm. Normonal pruning and the advantage is that you don't need to pinch of the plants growing tip (thus decreasing the gibberrelins), the plant stays healthy and doesn't stop growing to repair the tip.

Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300ppm at the end of the 4th week of flowring there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinlide , the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.

6-Benzylaminopurine, benzyl adenine or BAP is a first-generation synthetic cytokinin which elicits plant growth and development responses, setting blossoms and stimulating fruit richness by stimulating cell division. It is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants, and increases post-harvest life of green vegetables.
6-benzylaminopurine was first synthetized and tested in the laboratories of plant physiologist Folke K. Skoog.

Ethylene is a simple gaseous hydrocarbon produced from an amino acid and appears in most plant tissues in large amounts when they are stressed. It diffuses from its site of origin into the air and affects surrounding plants as well. Large amounts ordinarily are produced by roots, senescing flowers, ripening fruits, and the apical meristem of shoots. Auxin increases ethylene production, as does ethylene itself—small amounts of ethylene initiate copious production of still more. Ethylene stimulates the ripening of fruit and initiates abscission of fruits and leaves. (this is really intresting could be whats in LAFEMME ) In monoecious plants (those with separate male and female flowers borne on the same plant), gibberellins and ethylene concentrations determine the sex of the flowers: Flower buds exposed to high concentrations of ethylene produce carpellate flowers, while gibberellins induce staminate ones.

WIKIPEDIA DEF:Ethylene is produced at a faster rate in rapidly growing and dividing cells, especially in darkness. New growth and newly-germinated seedlings produce more ethylene than can escape the plant, which leads to elevated amounts of ethylene, inhibiting leaf expansion. As the new shoot is exposed to light, reactions by photochrome in the plant's cells produce a signal for ethylene production to decrease, allowing leaf expansion. Ethylene affects cell growth and cell shape; when a growing shoot hits an obstacle while underground, ethylene production greatly increases, preventing cell elongation and causing the stem to swell. The resulting thicker stem can exert more pressure against the object impeding its path to the surface. If the shoot does not reach the surface and the ethylene stimulus becomes prolonged, it affects the stems natural geotropic response, which is to grow upright, allowing it to grow around an object. Studies seem to indicate that ethylene affects stem diameter and height: When stems of trees are subjected to wind, causing lateral stress, greater ethylene production occurs, resulting in thicker, more sturdy tree trunks and branches. Ethylene affects fruit-ripening: Normally, when the seeds are mature, ethylene production increases and builds-up within the fruit, resulting in a climacteric event just before seed dispersal. The nuclear protein ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2) is regulated by ethylene production, and, in turn, regulates other hormones including ABA and stress hormones

Functions of Auxin

The following are some of the responses that auxin is known to cause (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
  • Stimulates cell elongation
  • Stimulates cell division in the cambium and, in combination with cytokinins in tissue culture
  • Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem
  • Stimulates root initiation on stem cuttings and lateral root development in tissue culture
  • Mediates the tropistic response of bending in response to gravity and light
  • The auxin supply from the apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds
  • Delays leaf senescence
  • Can inhibit or promote (via ethylene stimulation) leaf and fruit abscission
  • Can induce fruit setting and growth in some plants
  • Involved in assimilate movement toward auxin possibly by an effect on phloem transport
  • Delays fruit ripening
  • Promotes flowering in Bromeliads
  • Stimulates growth of flower parts
  • Promotes (via ethylene production) femaleness in dioecious flowers
  • Stimulates the production of ethylene at high concentrations

  • The hormone ethylene is responsible for the ripening of fruits. Unlike the other four classes of plant hormones, ethylene is a gas at room temperature. Ethylene gas diffuses easily through the air from one plant to another. The saying "One bad apple spoils the barrel" has its basis in the effects of ethylene gas. One rotting apple will produce ethylene gas, which stimulates nearby apples to ripen and eventually spoil because of over ripening.
    Ethylene is usually applied in a solution of ethephon, a synthetic chemical that breaks down and releases ethylene gas. It is used to ripen bananas, honeydew melons and tomatoes. Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits often remain green when they are ripe. Although the fruit tastes good, consumers often will not buy them, because oranges are supposed to be orange, right? The application of ethylene to green citrus fruit causes the development of desirable citrus colors, such as orange and yellow. In some plant species, ethylene promotes abscission, which is the detachment of leaves, flowers, or fruits from a plant. Cherries and walnuts are harvested with mechanical tree shakers. Ethylene treatment increases the number of fruits that fall to the ground when the trees are shaken. Leaf abscission is also an adaptive advantage for the plant. Dead, damaged or infected leaves drop to the ground rather than shading healthy leaves or spreading disease. The plant can minimize water loss in the winter, when the water in the plant is often frozen.
Ethephon is the trade name of a plant growth regulator (basic manufacturer Rhône-Poulenc). Upon metabolism by the plant, it is converted into ethylene, a potent regulator of plant growth and maturity. It is often used on wheat, coffee, tobacco, cotton and rice in order to help the plant's fruit reach maturity more quickly. In cotton, which initiates fruiting over a period of several weeks, ethephon is used to make all bolls open simultaneously in order to enhance harvest efficiency.
Although many environmental groups worry about toxicity resulting from use of growth hormones and fertilizers, the toxicity of ethephon is actually very low, and any ethephon used on the plant material is converted very quickly to ethylene


Thiamin or thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 and aneurine hydrochloride, is the term for a family of molecules sharing a common structural feature responsible for its activity as a vitamin. It is one of the B vitamins. Its most common form is a colorless chemical compound with a chemical formula C12H17N4OS. This form of thiamin is soluble in water, methanol, and glycerol and practically insoluble in acetone, ether, chloroform, and benzene. Another form of thiamin known as TTFD has different solubility properties and belongs to a family of molecules often referred to as fat-soluble thiamins. Thiamin decomposes if heated. Its chemical structure contains a pyrimidine ring and a thiazole ring

is one of the compounds that can be called vitamin B6, along with Pyridoxal and Pyridoxamine. It differs from pyridoxamine by the substituent at the '4' position. It is often used as 'pyridoxine hydrochloride'.
Water soluble
B vitamins
B1 (Thiamine) · B2 (Riboflavin) · B3 (Niacin, Nicotinamide) · B5 (Pantothenic acid, Dexpanthenol, Pantethine) · B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal phosphate, Pyridoxamine)
B7 (Biotin) · B9 (Folic acid, Folinic acid) · B12 (Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, Methylcobalamin, Cobamamide)
C (Ascorbic acid) · Choline


Point: If you add just Co2 (CARBON) and not understand & APPLYING the above..... your not yeilding your max potetial ??

HORMONES Vs Co2 - Hormones cheaper potentially yeild same !
Plant Hormones

By Frederick T. Addicott*,
Fullbright Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Victoria University of Wellington

Growth Hormones: Gibberellins. The gibberellins produce effects on growth, particularly cell elongation, which are very similar to the effects of auxin, but they function in situations where auxin does not promote elongation. Although physiological and biochemical knowledge of them is still fragmentary, they are growth factors which are probably hormones and hence should be included here. The chemicals derive their name from the fungus Gibberella, from which they can be obtained. Immature seeds are also very rich sources.
One of the most interesting series of experiments with the gibberellins was conducted with a dwarf corn (maize). This particular mutant dwarf had been the subject of an intensive auxin study, and its auxin physiology was found to be completely normal. That is, auxin production, transport and inactivation were identical with those of normal corn, and applications of additional auxin did not affect its growth; the plants never grew more than a few inches tall. However, weekly sprays of gibberellins stimulated the mutant to the normal rate of growth and practically normal appearance. The results of a similar experiment conducted several years earlier, which were at the time puzzling, can now be interpreted as due to gibberellins: an extract from immature bean seeds was applied to a bush variety of beans (Phaseolus); the stems then elongated in the manner characteristic of the tall varieties of beans. In other experiments, gibberellins sprayed on pasture grasses have induced abnormally rapid growth.
Another effect of gibberellins is in relation to both growth and flowering. Hyocyamus is one of the typical ‘long-day plants’. It grows as a rosette with its leaves clustered about the very short stem until it has been exposed to a period of cold followed by a period of long days. Then the stem rapidly elongates and produces flowers. It has been found that gibberellins can replace the cold treatment; sprays followed by long days stimulate stem elongation with flowering.
Wound Hormone. Following an injury to a plant, the parenchyma cells underlying the injured area are stimulated to divide and form a protective callus. Under the stimulus, cells divide which would otherwise remain intact to the death of the plant. Early experiments showed that if the injured area is washed immediately, cell division is prevented; this suggested that a hormone might be involved. Such a hormone was isolated by Bonner and English. Starting with 100 pounds of string beans they isolated a small amount of a chemical which they called traumatic acid (chemically, decene dicarboxylic acid) which is the wound hormone of beans. However, this compound does not stimulate cell division in other species. So there remain other chemicals yet to be identified as wound hormones.
Root Growth Hormones. Knowledge of root growth hormones has come largely from experiments with the culture of isolated roots. The repeated attempts to culture isolated tissues of plants were successful in 1933 with tomato roots and a culture medium consisting of sucrose, salts, and yeast extract. Yeast extract is a very complex mixture of chemicals and attention was immediately given to determination of the active components. These were soon found to be thiamin and pyridoxin which in small amounts (a few parts per million) could completely replace the yeast extract. Thus tomato roots, which in the field would live only a few months, have been kept growing in culture in a synthetic medium since soon after 1933. Thiamin and pyridoxin were first called growth factors, since their role in the intact plant was not known. However, Bonner showed that they are produced in leaves and transported downward to roots, thus establishing them as hormones.
Other experiments showed that niacin is a root growth factor, and is presumably also a root growth hormone. In various combinations thiamin, pyridoxin or niacin will support the indefinite growth of isolated roots of many species. For a few species other factors are required such as the amino acids glycine, lysine and arginine.
Although the roots of many plants will grow rapidly (at rates at least equal to the rates of roots on intact plants) and indefinitely in synthetic culture media, important problems still remain unsolved. One is the culture of isolated roots of monocotyledonous plants. In spite of numerous attempts, these have never been established in culture. Another is the development of the cambium, which has not been induced in roots of established
cultures. Further, branching of cultured roots is often abnormal. Thus the knowledge of root growth physiology is far from complete and much work lies ahead.
Experiments with root cultures brought to light an important interrelationship of vitamins and hormones. The chemicals thiamin, pyridoxin and niacin are vitamins, necessary in the diet of animals and other heterotrophs for normal growth and maintenance. In the green plant these same chemicals function in the physiological role of hormones. And within the cells of organisms they each function as a part of a vital enzyme. Thus the same chemical may function in any of three physiological roles: vitamin, hormone, enzyme.
Leaf Growth Hormone: Phyllocaline. In a search for hormones other than auxin Went performed an extensive series of grafting experiments. He worked with varieties of garden peas which differed markedly in their growth habits. The results showed, for example, that leaves of different varities differed in their ability to stimulate root growth. Similar differences among roots and buds were observed. Went postulated that these differences in growth were the result of differences in production of special hormones by the varieties. One of these postulated hormones was called phyllocaline. It is produced in cotyledons and mature leaves, and stimulates the growth of young leaves. This hormone was isolated and identified as adenine. Another property of adenine was later discovered; tissue cultures of plant callus ordinarily grow indefinitely as an undifferentiated, or at best, slightly differentiated mass of cells. In the culture medium adenine stimulates the differentiation of leafy buds.
Adenine too has multiple physiological roles: It is a vitamin B
for some organisms and within cells functions as a part of several enzymes and of the energy-storing phosphate compounds.
Flowering Hormone: Florigen. Flowering is influenced by many factors including mineral and carbohydrate nutrition, temperature, photoperiod, and a postulated hormone, florigen. This hormone is produced in leaves (under particular conditions) and is transported to buds where it brings about the conversion of a vegetative stem apex to a reproductive stem apex (flower bud). Numerous experiments indicate its existence, but attempts to isolate florigen have not yet been successful. For further discussion of flowering see the recent article by Sussex.
Reproductive Hormones. In the lower plants a number of hormones influencing reproductive processes have been described, as well as nutritional factors which can be called reproductive vitamins.
One of the best known examples of reproductive hormones is in a heterothallic species of a water mould, Achlya, where Raper in extensive experiments found four hormones:
Growth Factors. Experiments have demonstrated growth factor requirements for many plant parts. Many, possibly all, of these growth factors are plant hormones, but present knowledge is too fragmentary in most cases to permit positive statements.
Pollen germination and tube growth factors. Pollen of some species will germinate and grow well in artificial media; pollen of others will grow poorly or not at all. Stigmatic exudates are usually very stimulatory and presumably provide hormones required by the pollen. Chemicals which have been found to promote germination or tube growth of various species include: boric acid, manganous sulphate, ascorbic acid, aminobenzoic acid, indoleacetic acid, inositol, lactoflavin, guanine, pyridoxin, thiamin.

Growth factors of tissue and organ cultures. Since the successful establishment of root cultures, other organs and several types of tissues have been successfully cultured including embryos, shoots, and callus. Often successful culture has required the use of complex mixtures such as malt extract, young seed extracts, or coconut milk. The latter is a potent source of important growth factors; its use has enabled the culture of very small embryos, but the active chemicals in coconut milk have not been identified. Growth factors which have been identified include: ascorbic acid, adenine, biotin, indoleacetic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin. It is of interest to note that each of these is already known to have functions as a vitamin and/or hormone.

Growth Inhibiting Hormones. The discussion to this point has dealt with hormones and other factors which in the main promote growth and development. (A few of these, such as auxin, will under some conditions inhibit or retard growth.) In addition, there is now an increasing list of chemicals whose principal function appears to be the inhibition of growth. Since these chemicals are endogenous, often act at very low concentrations, and move from a site of production to a site of action, they should be considered hormones. Only seed germination inhibitors will be mentioned here; knowledge of others is very fragmentary.
Germination inhibitors act variously: (a) to prevent premature seed germination; (b) to extend the period of germination by permitting only a fraction of the seeds to germinate at any one time; and (c) to suppress germination of competing species while permitting germination of a favoured species. Evenari has described over 120 inhibitors; these are produced in fruit pulp, fruit coats, endosperm, seed coats, embryos, leaves, bulbs, and roots. Identified inhibitors include: hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, ethylene, mustard oils, aldehydes, alkaloids, essential oils, lactones, organic acids. It is of interest that an inhibitor can sometimes stimulate germination. Inhibition or stimulation may result from different concentrations, but sometimes one follows the other from the same concentration.
In a few decades the subject of plant hormones has expanded to a broad and amazingly complex field of plant physiology, at least equal in complexity to the field of animal hormones. This research received much of its initial impetus from Sachs' postulate that plant morphogenesus is regulated by specific organ-forming chemicals. Indeed, there is now much evidence on the effects of specific chemicals (or groups of chemicals). However, the impression should not remain that morphogenesis is regulated solely by such chemicals (that is, by hormones or vitamins). Temperature, light, water, mineral nutrients, foods, and other factors are also important in the development of plants and at times one or more of these factors may have a decisive influence on growth, acting either directly or through intermediate effects on plant hormones.
nice post man

to answer your question i me n my mates use them at times our is a mix that a friend makes up...... definately better for the yield..

nice post heres a rep
nice post man

to answer your question i me n my mates use them at times our is a mix that a friend makes up...... definately better for the yield..

nice post heres a rep

Go to other post in sig.... keeping more updated with research........
But have experiment i wanted to conduct...... as post on thread have a look need recruits..... who wanna play scientist...LOL
Bookmarked. I skimmed it, and it seems there is some useful stuff here. I will attempt to absorb as much of this as possible.

Thanks for the info.:D


BUYING ALL INGREDIANT IN PURE FORM..... 1grm at a time ... . Come in gel cap form.... CHEAP ( $1 - $30 )

have seen around though.. should not be hard

THE EXPERIMENT....................

Measure the ripening of unripe BUD induced by the plant hormone ethylene, with increased light 19/5 example
Determine if plant size could be increased by manipulating / regulating 6-ben,IAA,GA3 hormone,ETC
What is the role of hormones in synchronizing ripening?
The Effect of same Hormones on different strains
The effect of different concentrations of the plant growth substance IAA and gibberellic acid on the growth of roots and shoots
Compare rate of plant growth using two different growth hormones
The effect of estrogen on the growth of veg
The effect of Rootone hormone on plant growth - which i thinks been cover by PANHEAD

Effect of Different Concentrations of IAA on Root Initiation
Simple experiments to explain the role of phytohormones in plants
The effects of plant regulators (auxins and cytokinins) on different strains
Abscisic acid for seed germination and enhancement of its catabolism by gibberellin


Basiclly FUCK with the major groups..........auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins, and abscisic acid.
HORMONES Vs Co2 - Hormones cheaper potentially yeild same !
umm like i said me n some mates found that its best to regulate to what you want them too do....

we used nutes too cos we found it best just to help with the plants growth not force it to grow..

i used to pay some attention too the roots and little to the veg growth... we found that this can be done wrong and the plants can get that spindly that they break under the weight of flower.. so i must say i disagree with theyou cant fuck it up comment (depends what you call a fuck up...

one of my mates found a good way for the whole cycle but to be honest mine werent too far off his ehy...

all we used to do is grow the plant as normal really but using hormones kinda like extra nutes that you kknow what the plants gonna do next :)

like i said we still used nutes theres crtain things the plant needs especially to keep up with rapid growth...

like i said i found it best when you grow the plant as normal with nutes, or whatever you use (i change all the time from grow to grow).

but what you wanna do is giive it the hormones that help with what you want your plant to do. ie: grow, root, ect

what i used too do is basically go by the plant...

i didnt overdoo the roots ont the contrary i started all normal and then gave the plant rooting hormones as soon as i used to think it was ready for them, id generally let it get most of its size naturally then when it hit flower give it some hormones/steroids to encourage it to bulk up

this seemed to work the best sometimes id help it grow throughout the veg with hormones but not that often and just a little..

my advice is go by the plant. when you think its ready to handle what change your gonna throw at it do it.

to enduce the buds i like to start giving it the budding stuff generally a wek before to wekish after budding but you can start whenever you want. you just gotta remember the plants gotta have time to start reacting to them as well...

but i found it good to just concentrate on rooting and bud size mainly. but like i said there is the odd occasion i like to make them taller but generally this can stretch them.. but yes there is a mix you can make up to solve this problem as many more. the question is what do you want them to do and is the plant ready or gonna need it...

theres no one way we found... but there is many different ways depending on what you decide you want to do with the plant... and all that...

a lot of factors come into this ive just given you the most basic knowledge so far as too people here dont seem t like big reads.

also sorry about the shitty sentancing and what not im in a hurry i hope yas get the point tho :)

all youcan do is read up on them and hope ya get it right if your a beginner these are something that takes getting use too....

and yes noobs should definately learn to grow normally first. or theyll definately fail..
but like i said i found it best to concentrate on certain things. and ma other mates others, one of us hormones for the whole lot...
but to be honest not much difference really and sometimes ours looked better....

you dont want to give it a hormone deficiency.. look at people who grow really tall and lanky in a general there bones dont have time to develope properly resulting in a week bone structure to the point of somee cant fall or theyll break something. i got a mate thats really tall with this prob.
like the problem i said with the lanky plant gettin big buds and snapping.. ya know.. theres all kindsa things really, and uless you know what your doing and actually preffer growing the whole cycle with hormones do it. like i said i did sometimes. i just found it better to compliment the plant and not over do it...

sorry if this is a wast of time
I look forward to your imput jester... sounds like youve done some of this already!
But post on HORMONES vs Co2 thread it gets more play !!
yeah ive done quite a bit of stuff...
so i take it this threads the advanced thread that stays on topic....

just let me know when you got something you want put on here and ill edit my posts so there usefull if you want
i have some GIBBERELLIC ACID (GA3) i will be trying on a outdoor stunted durban poison, i am yet to work out measurments for this stuff but it is 90 % pure.
i have some GIBBERELLIC ACID (GA3) i will be trying on a outdoor stunted durban poison, i am yet to work out measurments for this stuff but it is 90 % pure.

WRONG ONE CHAMP... MORE research and other bits on the other THREAD in my SIG.... SORY
Can ya copy it over!