Horrible Luck


This is my first grow, everything went a lot better than expected. A little nute burn, and stretching was the worst of it. Unfortunately these were from bag seed and now my room is filled with nads.
I know for sure one is male, however i have two that may be hermie. I took a horrible pictures of one of em (camera on phone is shitty) and if it is indeed a hermie, i might be able to get a little bud.. maybe.


Well-Known Member
Cant see from the pic mate, but you can still get some smoke from the hermi plants.

Treat them with a hormone made for hermi plants, kills off the male organs. Dutch masters make one called 'Reverse", i have used it to good results.


Active Member
Cant see from the pic mate, but you can still get some smoke from the hermi plants.

Treat them with a hormone made for hermi plants, kills off the male organs. Dutch masters make one called 'Reverse", i have used it to good results.
I have a friend who was trying o find more info about the dutch master reverse and Im fairly interested myself. How was your experience using it if you dont mind me asking.


Well-Known Member
Used it to good effect. As soon as i've seen male parts I treat with 'Reverse', leave it 10 days then treat again. After the first treatment there is little further growth of the male organs then after the second treatment I don't get anymore male organs. If you catch it soon enough you will prevent any seeds from growing in your crop. Only used a couple of times but happy with the results.


Active Member
Used it to good effect. As soon as i've seen male parts I treat with 'Reverse', leave it 10 days then treat again. After the first treatment there is little further growth of the male organs then after the second treatment I don't get anymore male organs. If you catch it soon enough you will prevent any seeds from growing in your crop. Only used a couple of times but happy with the results.
Not bad, I will have to look into picking some up as it sounds its pretty helpful for those pesky hermies that pop up. Thanks