horribly stunted growth!


Active Member
Hey guys, Long time reader, 1st time poster on this forum.
I have been having some rather annoying issues with my grow ( only done 1 so far and am into my 2nd with much the same thing happening.

Ok so I have some durban poisons, growing in some coco max, under a 600watt light, in a grow tent. Both grows I have been growing some lovely lush looking plants with nice thick stems and all round healthy looking plants, they have gone into the first phases of flowering no probs, how ever the problem i am having is they stop developing... the grow their first small flowers (just small wee clusters all over the plant), they look like they are going to fuuuckn booom! but thats just it... they stop, so my end product after 8 weeks of flowering is buds about the size of my thumbnail :(

I am giving them flowering fert - Natures own Guano + superthrive during most of the flowering cycle and some NPK 13-14 four to five weeks into the flowering cycle (for one week) for those extra flowering nutes the plants can be lacking towards the middle of flowering.

My guess is maybe its too cold? I have my tent set up under my house, it is the middle of winter here in New Zealand and frost that can last all day can be quite a regular occurance lately....
But putting it down to cold just isnt doing it for me... the small buds that are being produced are wicked tasting and potent as... but i know from past growing experiance (with the same strain) that my plants have the potential to grow 5 or 6 times more bud on each of their nodes.

Any suggestions what I could be doing wrong? Pics to come soon.



Well-Known Member
Could be the cold, how cold is the grow room? I had a grow like that I didn't get much~I had old lights they still gave off light I guess but it wasn't right.
Do not give superthrive during flower...it delays budding....read the label on the bottle....on a rose bush or a flowering plant like that superthrive keeps the flowers in bloom longer so u can keep enjoying your flowers but a maryjane plant you want your flowers to run there natural cycle and ripen up ..I don't wanna keep a maryjane plant alive just to look at the flowers like i would a rose bush...catch my drift?


Active Member
Hi everyone, thanks for you replies!
Showmethesmoke, I think you may be on to something here... thank u.. Superthrive has been such an excellent product for my clones and plants veging, and I have been using the shit right the way through - everytime I have ferted. I guess your right tho man! Lesson learned!! I have put in another lovely white widow x afghani and jack herer plants in for my next lot, will stay right away from the superthrive - and let ya all know how i go.

Thanks again - any other theories would still be appreciated. I was also thinking today that I may be guilty of pressing the soil down into the pots too - maybe too dense... (when i emptied my pot I was shocked (how stoned was i when i done it???) I Could nearly fill up another pot with the amount of coco i got out of 1!!) Am now putting a much lighter potfull of coco, so will see how that goes.



Well-Known Member
Coco needs more cal/mag i think. Sounds like a fert issue, get simpler ferts than guano, p/k and superthrive. Not enough ferts, too much nitrogen, overwatering will give you small buds easy. Ph and overferting will simply kill your plant by the end of flowering so wouldnt think either of these. My plants take ferts by the bucket load in flowering, really can feed them up, of course i have to flush once or twice in the 10 week flowering period.

Pics would help nail it down, i though superthrive was an additive not a fertiliser too. This could be your problem, they coast along in veg happy with the nutes then they start to flower and get hungry and your holding back what they need. Peace
No problem, I think if u just stop dosing your superthrive two weeks before going into flower you will be fine.. I use it on fresh transplants and clones but after they get a few weeks into veg I stop using it as it prolongs the ripening of any fruit bearing plants.


Active Member
Hi guys,
I finally got my camera all fixed up and took a couple of pics for your examinations, Please tell me it is the superthrive thats doing this, this plant in the pics is 9 weeks into flowering, has been superthrived untill about 3 weeks ago when i made this 1st post and I have been flushing it out with water ever since ...... its healthy but its pitiful.



Active Member
I just thought i would add for the record that i have had some mega good grows since i stopped using the superthrive during flowering - so thanks so much to everyone who helped!!


Well-Known Member
Looks cold or deficient from those pics, of course it could be the superthrive causing deficiency. I cant remember what the problem was with super thrive in flowering, dosen't it also delay flowering? Peace


Well-Known Member
When the leaves start to curl in and get small your ph is to high. Your second photo looks just like it. I'd test the grow medium's ph.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
so superthrive is bad for flowering?
its good for veg?
i just got some cause someone said it would help and i was already headin to the store
but idk if i should use it or not


Active Member
Definately use it when your plants are in the seedling/cutting phase and into some of you veg cycle - but definately dont over do it - and definately dont use it during flowering!
Excellant for eveything else - if u put a drop of it into ur spray bottle with some water, and litely mist your freshly cut clones - they will be rooting within the week!!