hot chicks and free sex

hey people....

ok i lied, no chicks here, and definitely no free sex. some people think its
worth paying for sex, i think its worth it to pay her to leave.

now that i have your attention thru my false advertising, I have a rant,

It is my belief that the government is wasting out time and money and peoples lives too,
on a war that in thousands of years history has shown cant be won.
yes Im talking about the war on drugs.

Basically I feel cocaine, heroin and marijuana should all be legal.
Now its a fact that many governments, and local police here in the states too, feel that arresting heroin addicts is a cruel way to handle someone with a disease. As of recent news Amsterdam admits to clamping down on dope dealers at a local park, which just pushed the dealers into coffee shops.

so now they are considering legalizing heroin. several towns in mass have taken to stop arresting users and opting to get them help instead.
In both instances, the outcome is showing some form of compassion, with a realistic expectation
of the outcome. This sure beats placing 1000's of drug users, if not millions into a jail, labeling them a convict and tearing apart families in the process. There is no compassion in jailing a drug user, and upon release will surely use drugs again. The only real benefit is we can now give an under educated, under qualified person a job as a prison guard.

Now if we did in fact legalize marijuana, cocaine and heroin, you must realize the jails population today are comprised of 80% drug related crimes. This means an 80% drop in our jails.

Now I'm not without compassion. I have an ulterior motive, or a two fold plan.....
you see we would now have all these empty jails, and unemployed prison guards.
We need to fill these buildings and find work for the guards....

now lets talk about the education system in this country, our children are not getting the education the need to prepare them for entry into society. I went for a few years to a catholic grade school....
we had 62 kids in a class to one nun teaching the class. I also attended many private schools
where class size was limited to 6 or 7 kids to a class.

Now I know I have your brain going, but think about this for a minute, if I wanted to open a day care facility and babysit and change diapers and such....there are laws in place limiting the number of kids I can care for per adult I employ. Sounds logical huh? It does to me too.

Hence I think we need to rethink our entire education system and start by limiting not only the size of a school but the size of our class rooms too. These large regional schools and the schools in large cities need to be cut up into smaller schools. Lets put a limit on school size at somewhere around 500 kids in total and class size to under 12. Another alternative method to education is to have the teacher in 1st grade follow the students thru 12th grade, we now have one person responsible for a child's education, and that child has a good chance at growing up with respect and an education that matters. With any luck he may even pull his pants..... all the way up !!

Jails can be converted to schools, guards can learn to become teachers if they so choose, if not....7-11 is always hiring.

We need to invest in our future. Yes my idea is a costly plan indeed, more schools, more teachers, more money, but it will cost less than jailing drug users. If we invest in the children of today, we will have a better tomorrow.

Peace out


Well-Known Member
ok i lied, no chicks here, and definitely no free sex.t
No way. I came in here to fuck bitches. Someone needs to at least get in here and rub my butt or something.
Basically I feel cocaine, heroin and marijuana should all be legal.
Now cocaine is a great drug. The problem arises when people stop using it in moderation because it creeps up and gets right on top of them. Then there's the issue with crackheads. Crackheads tend steal anything that isn't nailed down. YOUR stuff. MY stuff. Not to mention erratic behavior. I've had to knock out a crackhead at an ATM. I've also had to shove a .357 in a big ass John Coffee crackhead's face that was going through with his bumming front. I sternly declined him. He responded with "How about I just take your fucking money white boy" Then started moving towards me.
Then you have your heroine addicts. People aren't "functioning addicts" when it comes to heroine. Sooner or later it consumes them. The downside to heroine is the part where loss of consciousness and HIGHLY impaired motor functions come in. Now you have your addict that still has a car. Picks some up. Put's it up his nose or pumps his arm full. This times it's some pretty potent shit though. The next thing you know they're nodding out while driving and smash head on into some other random driver in the next lane.
The drugs themselves aren't the problem. It the chain reaction of events that follow that's the problem. Not an experience of mine but someone I unfortunately knew.
Heroine and Cocaine aren't weed. They're a whole different animal. They add that whole other X Factor into the situation. I'm not even going to get started on meth. I've seen some shit man.


Well-Known Member
No way. I came in here to fuck bitches. Someone needs to at least get in here and rub my butt or something.

Now cocaine is a great drug. The problem arises when people stop using it in moderation because it creeps up and gets right on top of them. Then there's the issue with crackheads. Crackheads tend steal anything that isn't nailed down. YOUR stuff. MY stuff. Not to mention erratic behavior. I've had to knock out a crackhead at an ATM. I've also had to shove a .357 in a big ass John Coffee crackhead's face that was going through with his bumming front. I sternly declined him. He responded with "How about I just take your fucking money white boy" Then started moving towards me.
Then you have your heroine addicts. People aren't "functioning addicts" when it comes to heroine. Sooner or later it consumes them. The downside to heroine is the part where loss of consciousness and HIGHLY impaired motor functions come in. Now you have your addict that still has a car. Picks some up. Put's it up his nose or pumps his arm full. This times it's some pretty potent shit though. The next thing you know they're nodding out while driving and smash head on into some other random driver in the next lane.
The drugs themselves aren't the problem. It the chain reaction of events that follow that's the problem. Not an experience of mine but someone I unfortunately knew.
Heroine and Cocaine aren't weed. They're a whole different animal. They add that whole other X Factor into the situation. I'm not even going to get started on meth. I've seen some shit man.
Agreed. Weed doesn't destroy lives and families thru addition. Heroin does.

Although I think its a great idea to offer heroin addicts methadone treatment.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Weed doesn't destroy lives and families thru addition. Heroin does.

Although I think its a great idea to offer heroin addicts methadone treatment.
I think it's a great idea to offer them a weeks worth..... Enough to get the sick off before they get addicted to the methadone ....... The point is to quit methadone just puts it off till later.... Trade one addiction for another until it comes back around

Methadone clinics need too be free...... Junkies can't come up w the hundred forty dollars a week and if they did they would bang it