Hot flashes on LSD?


Well-Known Member
Is it common to get hot flashes on LSD?

Earlier last year I got some good hits. My usual dose was 1.5 or 2. 2 got me way out there. One day I was tripping with a friend, we had 5 left and he only wanted 2, so I took the other 3. I had the heating on pretty high, and the window open. Anyway, the peak was really intense and just wild and I started to get cold. It was buggin' me out so I put on a few layers, shut the window and started playing my guitar. After a while I noticed that I'm feeling fucking warm, then I sweat out a friggin ocean. It freaked me out because I'd never experience anything like that before, and wasn't really aware that sweating like that was even a possibility. I got naked and opened the windows still sweating like crazy thinking I'm oding on perhaps an RC passed on as LSD. All I could see was sweat at that point in the trip...just sweat everywhere. I had a sober friend at home too who said that while I was down on the bed there was a puddle around me. So that ruined about an hour of my trip.

I was just wondering if this is common because I've only experienced it once in about 20ish trips.

And as to whether or not it actually was acid.....the hits were on a thin strip of notecard paper. An individual hit was smaller than a regular blotter hit. No taste. Effects felt with in 30 mins, peaking by the hour. No body load. Trip lasted about 7-8 hours tops with continual joint smokage. No after effects except not being able to sleep for some hours after. Felt like anything else I'd ever been told was acid, except for the one sweating extravaganza. Although, the best part about that trip was that when I thought I was going to die I saw my room and friends evaporate, the light coming through the window became an intense white and flooded my existence. It was just shades of awareness in an infinite space.


Well-Known Member
I usually got pretty warm on acid. nothing that really bothered me, it was just a happy warmth, could stand outdoors in winter perfectly comfortable.
i only ever took 2 hits though, so 3 I could see getting pretty intense.

ended up in the hospital on a 4x mescaline (4 hits of acid) i was pretty underweight at the time though @ 130 max.


Well-Known Member
I usually got pretty warm on acid. nothing that really bothered me, it was just a happy warmth, could stand outdoors in winter perfectly comfortable.
i only ever took 2 hits though, so 3 I could see getting pretty intense.

ended up in the hospital on a 4x mescaline (4 hits of acid) i was pretty underweight at the time though @ 130 max.

What happened? How much mesc was it exactly? And how did my post count reset

Apparently my friend did half of the other 10 strip at demf and went on some insane journey that he can't really remember.


Active Member
Back when I could find acid, when I would drop it I wouls sweat like a stuck pig when I started to peak. In winter I would just go outside but if it was summer I would set the temp to 68 fire the ac and would not sweat


Well-Known Member
Woo! Been looking for some info on this recently. Glad its on here.

First bad cold sweat->hot flash experience I had was on Molly. Dropped a .5mg capsule of some of the most fire ever. About 20min went by and I was pouring sweat... And I mean POURING. Had everyone I was with scared shitless.

Second was two weeks ago. Ate some boomers and started sweating extremely bad, same as the Molls. Went and sat outside for a few and then next thing I knew, i was needing sweaters and blankets.

I really want to fix this bc it makes these experiences no fun. I think my problem has to do with a combination of my diabetes and motion sickness.

That's another question, will taking motion sickness medicine effect my trips? I get it so bad that even checking a text in starts getting me queezy.


Well-Known Member
What happened? How much mesc was it exactly? And how did my post count reset

Apparently my friend did half of the other 10 strip at demf and went on some insane journey that he can't really remember.
cant really say how much it was exactly. was powder form in a quick release cap. not even a quarter full.

was really just too much for me to handle. was a roller coaster of extreme happiness, feelings of oneness, and an extreme panic attack.

long overall story wont give every detail, but I felt fine the day after taking it, although partway through, probably near the peak, i started having a bad trip. the day after i drove 3 hours to a friends town, sat in a parking lot for who knows how long till security came and got me, for who knows why, ended up getting taken to the hospital, prolly because i wasnt making sense. released the next morning and was taken home. day went on, more random events, late at night back at home, thought I was acting fine, but just decided to walk to the hospital. blacked out, somehow came to back at home. walked back to the hospital after acting hysterical. passed out on the hospital floor. came partially to, with no vision, only perception of sounds and feelings. felt them jab a tube up my dick (shit is painful), heard voices, noises. came to later on, was seeing things upside down and shit.. another blank. came to in a police car, where they took me to take a piss test, which i refused, was then taken to a psych hospital. all of this was over a 3 day period.

total days spent in the hospital: 9

while irrelevant, if you even care.
that wasnt the worst of my experiences though. since then I had a random panic attack, not drug induced. got me put in another hospital for 2 weeks, where they fed me pills upon pills, and said I was manic depressive, and said I needed to take lithium. these pills cause more harm than anything. would have constant mini attacks while trying to get to sleep, every night while on these pills. quit taking them, and got immediate relief. if youve never had one. cannot speak for everyone, but in my experiences panic attacks feel like you are instantly in some other world, where everything is against you. where you think your worst fears are going to come true around every corner.

since then, i cant smoke weed, and havent dared dabbing into psychedelics. smoking induces attacks.
currently taking vitamins and such to try and combat my mental state, to return to being able to smoke. might not smoke again, honestly dont really feel like it anymore, just want to grow medically for ill patients.

not blaming drug use. ive had a pretty stress/anxiety filled life. i just broke. lol. i took many things before all of this happened, and wouldnt change a thing. even through everything, ive learned a lot, matured a lot, and have started getting my life back on track.