Hot pepper no-till grow in a 5x5 tent

kudos on your success man i hate hot peppers my body hates them my tongue and my gut hates them i hate hot peppers but i love plants of anykind so kudos :)

Honestly I think attempting to eat an entire ghost pepper as in my grow photo would kill me. I don't have the tolerance that those crazy people do on youtube I guess. But I'm going for the same goal as I do with cannabis... to produce a crop that has the best concentration of secondary metabolites as the genetics of my plants allow them to produce. In the case of cannabis it is THC/CBD, and in the case of peppers its Capasian. Both have the ability to release endorphins and give you a high. On the reddit r/hotpeppers whenever anyone asks if people eat spice because of pain or pleasure, the answer is invariably YES. Lol
Honestly I think attempting to eat an entire ghost pepper as in my grow photo would kill me. I don't have the tolerance that those crazy people do on youtube I guess. But I'm going for the same goal as I do with cannabis... to produce a crop that has the best concentration of secondary metabolites as the genetics of my plants allow them to produce. In the case of cannabis it is THC/CBD, and in the case of peppers its Capasian. Both have the ability to release endorphins and give you a high. On the reddit r/hotpeppers whenever anyone asks if people eat spice because of pain or pleasure, the answer is invariably YES. Lol

admire your goal of achieving new heights in masochism rofl i prefer to eat chocolate for my endorphins lol
but seriously i’d die even from those cayennes, my body hates capsaicin.
admire your goal of achieving new heights in masochism rofl i prefer to eat chocolate for my endorphins lol
but seriously i’d die even from those cayennes, my body hates capsaicin.

Obviously I'm a "hick". I've been doing suicide buffalo wings since I was old enough to drink. Hahaha
I think within a couple weeks I'll be starting to ferment a hot sauce. Both Jamaican habs are loaded with hundreds of pods which should be ripening soon. I'm really not sure what to do with them yet because there are so many more starting to form near the top of the plants, but they're both well over 3 feet tall now, soon to be 4 feet:


I've been harvesting the Super Chili Hybrids and the various cayennes almost daily now and freezing them to accumulate enough for the hot sauce. I think this time I'll try the vacuum bag fermentation method. The basic method is described in this video:

Now I'm getting a perpetual harvest of a couple handfuls of peppers each day - mainly the C. annuum species though and a few Jamaican Habaneros. I have two freezer bags filled so far that I'll use for hot sauce once I get another 2 bags filled and more of the superhots start to ripen.

Watching the ghost pepper pods ripen is way worse than watching paint dry. It's been over a week, and here is the same ghost pod as the one above. It's getting there. I'm figuring another week?


Some of these look to be more ripe, but I think it's just the lighting:
Hot sauce making day! I decided I had enough peppers with today's record harvest, along with a couple freezer bags full I've been gradually saving from this grow:


Destemmed and chopped up the total weight was 2,516 grams. I added some black garlic I made, along with regular garlic, one large onion, some pineapple, and an apple which brought the weight up to 2,880 grams. I decided to go with 2.5% kosher salt (63 grams). I'll let it go for a month or two. Here she is:

One of the ghost peppers was extra gnarly, so I decided to snap a few phone pics of it. It was kinda sad cutting it up for hot sauce :(

My gnarliest habaneros:
Really nice, they look delicious, the mix you got there looks tasty. I have a couple little serrano pepper plants, they are quite spicy.
4443 (1).jpg I usually just prepare sauce with some tomatoes, boiling the tomatoes along with the chilis then everything goes into the blender including the water they boiled in, and goes great for my fried eggs in tortillas for breakfast.