Hot Shot no-mess Fogger


Well-Known Member
im trying to get the bugs out of my grow area and off my plants. i have hot shot no-mess bug fogger. will this work for my attic and not kill my plants?? will it take care of spider mites? thanks i will rep!!!


dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
this kind of reminds me the whole urban myth of drug dealers spraying their weed with some Raid or Black Flag to make it stronger... i don't know if it will kill the plants but i would be a little nervous about it contaminating my plants... they make bug bombs for this purpose exactly.. but they cost mo fo sho!


Active Member
I wouldnt use that stuff. Get some hot shots pest strips. When you get a fogger make sure it says on the back that it is safe to apply on food crops up to one day to harvest. Look for Safer or Doctor Doom they both use a pyrethrin wich is derived from crysanthemums.....good luck