House and garden coco nutes for promix.? Am I dumb or is my boss?


Active Member
Hey roll it up,
My question is fairly simple.

I’m in a new facility and it’s clear from the gate I have a great shot of improving things
We are running pro mix hp with coco specific house and garden nutes full line all additives as well as FULL strength botanicare CaMg.
Now... I know ( plz correct if wrong) that additional CaMg at full strength on top of house and garden coco specific nutes at higher strengths is too much CaMg. For pro mix as pro mix doesn’t bind to CaMg like coco does. Am I on the right track?
The flower rooms show nitrogen toxic claw everywhere and basically every other deficiency in the book which is why I suspect over feeding ca mg and N.
It’s late I’m stoned and I’m sure I’m missing things. If you need more specifications just ask.
Are ph is 6.5-6.8
We are using RO.
PLEASE no disinformation.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Strain? Lights? Have you run this strain before? Has your boss? Do you reason to believe that you know more than the guy who hired you?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Hey roll it up,
My question is fairly simple.

I’m in a new facility and it’s clear from the gate I have a great shot of improving things
We are running pro mix hp with coco specific house and garden nutes full line all additives as well as FULL strength botanicare CaMg.
Now... I know ( plz correct if wrong) that additional CaMg at full strength on top of house and garden coco specific nutes at higher strengths is too much CaMg. For pro mix as pro mix doesn’t bind to CaMg like coco does. Am I on the right track?
The flower rooms show nitrogen toxic claw everywhere and basically every other deficiency in the book which is why I suspect over feeding ca mg and N.
It’s late I’m stoned and I’m sure I’m missing things. If you need more specifications just ask.
Are ph is 6.5-6.8
We are using RO.
PLEASE no disinformation.
Pretty sure house and garden coco A&B has the most cal/mag out of all the base nutrients. I too am using peat soilless and use Aqua Flakes A&B from House & garden and full strength CaMg. No problems at all.


Active Member
Multi strain facility. 7 flower rooms. 10 double ended fixtures and 4 315ceramics per room co2 1500 ppm
In the art of growing I do believe I know more than him he is brilliant in many ways but taking commercial size crops from a to b and Understanding EC and how to feed efficienctly he does not.


Active Member
PJ Diaz I have run none of these strains before and I’m jumping in mid cycle on everything and just now getting a shot in a flower room with my own ideology. The room was flipped last night.


Well-Known Member
can i ask why coco and promix hp? I run just promix hp and its cheap and great for growing weed. And good luck bro, i hope things go your way


Active Member
I was in coco at my last job but im discussing strictly pro mix in this post so your info would help! I can snap some shots tomorrow

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
^ this, promix is mostly peat, and peat doesn't absorb calcium and magnesium like coco does, so no need to run that much extra. it may or may not burn your plants, but it'll burn your wallet, wasting nutes.


Well-Known Member
Coco nutes typically contain more cal and mag and a lot less K, so yeah you would be better with something not specific to coco.


Active Member
Thank you so much everyone you’ve all confirmed my hypothesis and I believe coco house and garden has to much CaMg and needs a potassium boost as well.
My question now is since I can’t change nutes mid cycle how do I approach this in the room I’ve been designated. 20 gallon finishing containers pro mix house and garden full line ph 6.6 -6.8 max feed 1600 ppm is what I ca,e on board to....plants were just flipped
1) drop all additives after week 2
2) drop all CaMg
3) bring ph down starting at 6.5 swinging down to 6.1 in a few weeks

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i used promix for a while, the plants seemed happiest at 6.0.
why can't you change in mid cycle? what's stopping you? you can start giving them whatever, whenever, as long as it's appropriate
feed for the plants...they don't care


Active Member
i used promix for a while, the plants seemed happiest at 6.0.
why can't you change in mid cycle? what's stopping you? you can start giving them whatever, whenever, as long as it's appropriate
feed for the plants...they don't care
Thank you for your insight.
I can’t change mid cycle because my boss is not completely convince coco a and b on probmix is to strong in ca mg and light in k.... also we just got an order of bites so brand new bulk bottles. So really the issue is superiors as far as changing nutes at this point in time.
My boss is a business man not a grower. I hope this makes sense. 6.0 seems to be the consensus and I will be dropping ph and ditching 90 percent of additives after transition and I will be dropping ppm to 900-1000 and monitoring on a feed feed flush program. If you have any more insight in regards to how to manage Ec in peat please shoot away
Thank you kind stranger


Active Member
Just found and epic base nute test
Here’s the link and it directly relates to my underlying feeling of ditching so,e of the additives and making things simple in this garden right now because were pumping to hot with to much CaMg and to much nitro w/ these house and garden additives ....

10 gaveetas 4 315 watt cmh co2 1500 ppm pro mix