House is moldy, need help!

Dr Lg

Active Member
There is a mold problem in the house and I think its having a toll on the smell and taste. Anyone have similar issues? Is there anyway to isolate the growing area and drying area from the rest of the house??
Get some wood studs and some osb paneling and build a room. Be sure to use spray foam from a can to seal and cracks. This will give you an air-tight room. As long as you have it closed regularly you will be good. Also consider getting a co2 tank. This will give the room a good amount of co2 in a sealed room, eliminating the need to open the room for fresh air exchange.


Active Member
i think i would cure the mold problem first, its not good for your health, it will make you sick
I agree - find where the mold problem is first. If it's having a toll on smell and taste on the plants, it might be taking on you health.


Active Member
Said already, if you have mold in your house, that's a bigger concern than the plant area.

As for the co2 sealed room, you do know that plants "breath in" o2 during the dark cycle too right? Even a co2 grow will need air exchanged.

Dr Lg

Active Member
The basement is flooded and thats where it coming from. intake air comes from the basement. Its not in the main house.. so I wouldn't think its that bad.


Well-Known Member
it is bad brother... I was a plumber for years, and that mold will get in your walls unless you deal with the moisture right away

Once you see it it just starts spreading. I have seen small leaks cost tens of thousands of dollars. Take care of the water, get a sump pump and some fans.


Well-Known Member
Said already, if you have mold in your house, that's a bigger concern than the plant area.

As for the co2 sealed room, you do know that plants "breath in" o2 during the dark cycle too right? Even a co2 grow will need air exchanged.

Um plants don't use Co2 at night that's why all the good Co2 controllers have photo cells to detect lights on and off. Please go do more reading there is much much more to using Co2 than tossing it in a sealed room.

The mold will cause breathing issues and rashes all kinds of nasty shit, I slept in a house with mold 2 nights a week and got a very bad rash that the doc could not figger out, After not going there for 6 weeks it was better but when I returned so did the rash. Nasty shit

Dr Lg

Active Member
it is bad brother... I was a plumber for years, and that mold will get in your walls unless you deal with the moisture right away

Once you see it it just starts spreading. I have seen small leaks cost tens of thousands of dollars. Take care of the water, get a sump pump and some fans.
Wow funny you say that.. I know for a fact now that the mold is in the walls. Is there anything I can do?? Money is pretty scarce right now....


Well-Known Member
Get the place dry go to Homer depot and buy the big container of mold remover 25$ and get a good respirator made for mold and a poly suit 5$ rubber gloves and safety goggles

Goggle it, likely black mold


Active Member
Um plants don't use Co2 at night that's why all the good Co2 controllers have photo cells to detect lights on and off. Please go do more reading there is much much more to using Co2 than tossing it in a sealed room.

The mold will cause breathing issues and rashes all kinds of nasty shit, I slept in a house with mold 2 nights a week and got a very bad rash that the doc could not figger out, After not going there for 6 weeks it was better but when I returned so did the rash. Nasty shit
Sorry man, you told me to read but yet I never said they use co2 at night. They use oxygen, also known as o, and o2. Maybe next time you try to point out someone's mistakes, you actually read the quote you use.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, you told me to read but yet I never said they use co2 at night. They use oxygen, also known as o, and o2. Maybe next time you try to point out someone's mistakes, you actually read the quote you use.

My bad, smoking don't help when reading late at night


Active Member
As my wake and bake shows too, I was kinda crabby when I posted the above. It came across incredibly rude. I should have posted after rather than before it. Sorry for comming across like a dick.

Edit: Think I need more too. :)


Well-Known Member
Get H2O2 and pour it into the flooded areas. 35% mixed 11 water + 1 H2O2= 3%. Put in spray bottles and spray the walls, vents, ducts...


Active Member
I would be more concerned that my basement is flooded than that my crop might be getting effected.
Ditto. The mold won't ever go away if it keep flooding. Depending on the mold, it can kill you. And flooding basements or usually prime candidates for black mold.


Well-Known Member
I watched one kitchen sink faucet leak, it was a small leak but it all went under the floorboards and rotted everything from the bottom up. They had to rip out the floor, 2 walls and the ceiling in that room just to get all the mold out (I live in Oregon, so Mold is always a problem)

Wear a mask the entire time you work there.

Your best bet is to get a fan blowing into the room and one blowing outside if possible. Get every bit of water out of your home & get a oil burning heater (or 2 depending on the size of your basement) and place them in the middle of the room.

Tear down every piece of drywall that has mold on it (it will never come out).

Ask some friends to come and help, this is not something you will want to do on your own. use a 1/8 Bleach solution in a spray bottle and spray every mold spot you see, look everywhere.

If you cant see the mold take a screwdriver and poke at the drywall walls. If your screwdriver dents it easily hen they are moist, if it goes through they are wet.

Good luck, probably best to call a pro at this point. It will cost you some bucks but less now than later for sure.


Active Member
if you have house insurance i would call them, your house insurance should give you some money to get the problem fixed. goood luck