Housing Issues


New Member
I have long supported both recreational and medical use of MJ. But I have no experience with it.

So, I have some concerns and would like to information from people who know about this stuff.

I am a landlord and have a 12 suite building which does not have good systems to prevent odors, smoke etc. from traveling from suite to suite. I have no concern about the use of these medical ingredients.

However, I do have issues with smoke. I do not allow smoking tobacco in my building. And I would have issues if someone wanted to light up a joint in the building. I would have issues if one of my tenants wanted to burn paper in a tin can in their suite. The issue is not the drug. It is smoke damage to the building, the paint and to the lungs of those of us who chose not to do that.

Here are my questions:
1. Am I correct to say that marijuana can be used with no strong odor if the user uses a vaporizer either with weed or with oil or another form.
2. If someone receives a prescription for marijuana, does it specify a certain type (weed, oil etc.)
3. Is there any medical condition where the person would need, for medical reasons, to light up rather than use a vaporizer?

I would certainly want to accommodate someone with medical needs. But I would want t to do so without doing myself, my building or my other tenants any harm.
1.Yes, but in a way more subtle and discreet as compared with combusting dry herbs. Here’s a little statistic from www.torontovaporizer.ca: Smoke is about three times as odorous as vapor, and anyone who enters your room up to about 180 minutes since you last smoked might still know you’d been doing. In contrast, vapors linger for just about five to 10 minutes, depending on how well-ventilated your room or bathroom is.(copied from=https://blog.smokazon.com/vaping-really-smell/)
Buy an hour of time from an attorney that specializes in rental contracts specifically as it relates to marijuana useage so you don't get into legal difficulty.
Buy an hour of time from an attorney that specializes in rental contracts specifically as it relates to marijuana useage so you don't get into legal difficulty.

You are right with it! A legal advisor or an attorney must be consulted about rental contracts.