How about growing other plants in the grow room?


I was thinking about maybe growing some tulips and other flowers and herbs in my upcoming grow room. Does anyone have any experience with this? What do you think the positives or negatives could be? Just brainstorming stoned on some blue dream


Well-Known Member
Hell yes I've started many plants in there. Never bring in from outside though, that's inviting pests in. But I get my basil and tomatoes started indoors. Also got a tangerine going that I hope to have bearing fruit not this summer but next.


Well-Known Member
Yup, works great! But like Peyote said - bringing plants in from the outdoors has the hazard of introducing pests (almost guaranteed).


Active Member
every winter I bring in an orange tree, kiwi vines, and pepper plants I usually spray them down first to get rid of any pests but they seem to do fine in the corner of the tent.

I did just have a mite problem on one of my chilis but i was able to catch it before it spread to other plants.


sweet i think ill start a whole indoor herb garden. And maybe some of the mint will rub off on the buds, yum


Well-Known Member
ya I have so much wasted light on the sides I just had to throw in anything lol, I just love plants in general they fascinate me


Active Member
haha thats the way I saw it. might as well throw something in the corners that i could get use of, Im kinda jealous of dudes lettuce though lol


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4 tent, with 6 females flowering at the moment, and next to them I have a dwc 1x1ft of lemon basil taking over one corner of the tent.