my tap water is 7.3 ph.When i add the nutes to it ,it goes to 6.4 ,but for some reason my run off is 5.5 . I made a few mistkes this grow,i have the gear to keep tabs on all this h stuff from the start next time,i waited until there was a problem before i got the stuff.I also made the massive mistake of not adding perlite to my soil,it drains like old people fu+k .So flushing is pretty much out of the question.The water does drain out ,just takes forever.But live and learn.
Edit..thinking about getting a little dolomite lime to mix in with the next stuff i use...couldnt hurt could it ?
ps, there is no stunted growth the thing is 5 feet tall and i started 12/12 at 12 inches tall..the buds look pretty decent to ,getting really frosty and fat,just all the fan leaves are going to shit.