Hey everyone i am brand new here. This is my first attempt to grow ever. This is just a bagseed that i have planted as sort of a trial/error before i plant expensive seeds. Anyways was just wondering if you could let me know how its looking. It has been about 2 weeks maybe even a bit shorter since the seed first poked through the soil. Heres what i'm using:
-I am using 100w cfls inside a nightstand with a door. The entire inside is lined with white lining and there are 2 intake and 2 exhaust fans.
-I mixed my own soil using sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and top soil. I will be using organic plant food, however I did not use this right away. The seed was started in Jiffy cups with jiffy seed starting mix, then transplanted into my own mixture. I did not add any plant food until after the cotyledons had completely turned yellow and dried up, at which point i mixed very little of my 7-1-2 into the top half inch or so of soil.
-Watering has been done only when the soil feels dry. I am using distilled water and my soils ph level is at about 7
-Lighting is currently set to 18 hours on and 6 off. The CFL's are about 2-3 inches from the top. Temperature seems pretty good. Steady at about room temperature since the fans are providing constant fresh air.
So far there are the first 2 sets of true leaves, then 4 more coming out diagonally from the corners of the first 2 sets, and now since a couple days ago 2 tiny leaves have been growing in the very center.
-My concerns are:
-First and foremost, I know plant stretching is not really a good thing, and because of where i will be growing i will need shorter plants, but after about 2 weeks my plant is still almost the same height it was after it finished sprouting, it just keeps growing more leaves. so basically it hasn't stretched at all, is this good or is this a problem? Like i said before this was just bagseed so i guess there is a possibility it is a naturally short growing strain. But i really have no idea haha i'm a newb.
The leaves are starting to cup in just a little. not tremendously though. The leaves are also not sticking straight out, but rather sagging a bit, as you will see in the pictures
The tips of the first 2 leaves are very very slightly turning yellow. Not much but they are turning more pale i have noticed.
I am concerned that i have possibly been overwatering them a bit, so i am going to cut back on the watering a tad.
Well here are the pictures, I am sorry for the quality, I am using an old camera and it doesn't focus very well. let me know what you think and any info or pointers are very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
happy tokin,
-I am using 100w cfls inside a nightstand with a door. The entire inside is lined with white lining and there are 2 intake and 2 exhaust fans.
-I mixed my own soil using sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and top soil. I will be using organic plant food, however I did not use this right away. The seed was started in Jiffy cups with jiffy seed starting mix, then transplanted into my own mixture. I did not add any plant food until after the cotyledons had completely turned yellow and dried up, at which point i mixed very little of my 7-1-2 into the top half inch or so of soil.
-Watering has been done only when the soil feels dry. I am using distilled water and my soils ph level is at about 7
-Lighting is currently set to 18 hours on and 6 off. The CFL's are about 2-3 inches from the top. Temperature seems pretty good. Steady at about room temperature since the fans are providing constant fresh air.
So far there are the first 2 sets of true leaves, then 4 more coming out diagonally from the corners of the first 2 sets, and now since a couple days ago 2 tiny leaves have been growing in the very center.
-My concerns are:
-First and foremost, I know plant stretching is not really a good thing, and because of where i will be growing i will need shorter plants, but after about 2 weeks my plant is still almost the same height it was after it finished sprouting, it just keeps growing more leaves. so basically it hasn't stretched at all, is this good or is this a problem? Like i said before this was just bagseed so i guess there is a possibility it is a naturally short growing strain. But i really have no idea haha i'm a newb.
The leaves are starting to cup in just a little. not tremendously though. The leaves are also not sticking straight out, but rather sagging a bit, as you will see in the pictures
The tips of the first 2 leaves are very very slightly turning yellow. Not much but they are turning more pale i have noticed.
I am concerned that i have possibly been overwatering them a bit, so i am going to cut back on the watering a tad.
Well here are the pictures, I am sorry for the quality, I am using an old camera and it doesn't focus very well. let me know what you think and any info or pointers are very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
happy tokin,
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