how am i doing? (pic)


Well-Known Member
its been about two months since i planted the seeds,
i transplanted this one about a week ago.

about how long before i can flower?
im not all about getting alot of bud, if i get like 8 grams ill be happy

i have six plants under 8 24watt cfl's


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan on your plants? also if your cfls arent already 1-2" away from your plant tops you should move them closer


Well-Known Member
You should be able to flower after twoo months, but the plant is kind of small for its age. Maybe more light or lack of nutes. I would put more light on your plant and give it a few weeks before going 12/12.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replys,
does anyone have a picture of a plant after about two months with around 8 cfls?
so i can compare?


Well-Known Member
its been about two months since i planted the seeds,
i transplanted this one about a week ago.

about how long before i can flower?
im not all about getting alot of bud, if i get like 8 grams ill be happy

i have six plants under 8 24watt cfl's
this low, a bit stretched, tinny thing is 8 weeks old, sure that you not mixing up there something. an un-topped plant under that amount of cfl's would have done better within 3 to 4 weeks....


Well-Known Member
i haven't been giving it much nutes
maybe about half of what it says because i didnt want to
burn it or anything,

and yes it was a little dry, the pic was taken before watering


Well-Known Member
you might want to transplant it again and get it deeper into the soil. Get it as close as you can to the first set of leaves it will strengthen the plant


Well-Known Member
What's up Justin - Looks like people are trying to help you out, but you really haven't given enough information... 2 months? Green_nobody was actually relatively KIND with his comments! WAY too small, AND stretched. That sucks man, I'm sorry... but you're obviously doing something, or somethingS wrong. You're using 8 24w cfl's?? Doesn't make sense man - that's PLENTY of power for nicely vegging one plant. Do you know what color spectrum the cfl's are? You should be using 65K/"daylight" spectrum bulbs for vegging, and 27K/"warm" ones for flowering. Whatever color they are, they should still be working a heck of alot better... Are you using reflectors? Do you have some reflective material in your grow area? Mylar, white plastic, flat white paint? How about your temps and humidity? Do you have an oscillating fan to help circualte the air and encourage the stem to fatten up and get stronger? How close are the lights to the plant? CFL's, especially the 65k's, should run nice and cool. 192 watts is ALOT of power for a single "young" plant, so be careful (I'm using about 2x that wattage for SIX plants, and they're doing incredibly well for a cfl grow) but the cfl's, like Reeffer said, can be place just inches away. Use you palm to judge how much heat is coming of the lights; usually, with proper temps and ventilation, you shouldn't feel much heat at ALL past a few inches form the focus of the bulb. I'm using cfl's in a closet grow, with 6 plants, and they're HUGE -- and I'm only about 36 days from seed. Anyway, good luck man. READ, READ, READ! Post more info, and you'll get more help. I would say DO NOT go 12/12 until you fix your problems. You'd be amazed at how quickly things will take off if you improve your conditions and let her veg. a bit longer. You should NOT need more lights when she's still this small. Work with what you've got until things improve. If all the stuff I'm throwing out there doesn't help, then you desperately need help from an experienced dirt grower. Best of luck man, Peace:peace: