How am I doing? Soil Amount


Well-Known Member
I see a transplant in your future. Are you flowering yet? If still in veg, def need some bigger pots...


Well-Known Member
ive heard you should 1 gallon of soil for every month of vegetating....which means yur solid if that's true....i'm not positive


Active Member
Those should be fine for this grow, just remember the bigger the root ball the bigger the buds (under optimal conditions) I personally would not risk a transplant unless you are gonna veg for a bit longer( I notice that depending on light intensity it can take a good week or two to resume growth after transplanting), lots of stress can up your chance of getting a hermy. I try to use pots that are around 3-5 gallon minimum. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Those should be fine for this grow, just remember the bigger the root ball the bigger the buds (under optimal conditions) I personally would not risk a transplant unless you are gonna veg for a bit longer( I notice that depending on light intensity it can take a good week or two to resume growth after transplanting), lots of stress can up your chance of getting a hermy. I try to use pots that are around 3-5 gallon minimum. Good luck.

Agreed with this, but next grow add some more room for the roots.... Cheers mate!


Active Member
I have never done it when the plants are that small but you would want to make sure they are female before you clone anyway unless they are feminized seeds. Once you find a girl you would want to put her back under a veg light cycle, give it time to resume vegative growth (about 2 weeks or so) then take clones. At least that's how most growers do it. Good luck


Active Member
I have never done it when the plants are that small but you would want to make sure they are female before you clone anyway unless they are feminized seeds. Once you find a girl you would want to put her back under a veg light cycle, give it time to resume vegative growth (about 2 weeks or so) then take clones. At least that's how most growers do it. Good luck

ya that sounds good
maybe I will put the old 1000w on them and run it 12/12 then do it that way!