How am i doing??? White widdow 1st grow need advive!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
this is my 1st grow and am around 7 weeks in. i have a few concerns on a few things like some of the leave stems are down. i think the lower have nute burns but not 100% certain, also how long till i change to 12/12???? im in no hurry to change and want them to look more fuller before i change as stems are sprouting through off main stem....

i have not had many problems as such but would like some advice if poss. also on the tall one i am thinking of topping it, i have done 2 at an early age,

thanks for looking



Well-Known Member
i would flower now as they will get huge in flower and your 600 wont be able to penetrate to the lower branches my widows and rhinos both more than trippled in size once flowering started


Well-Known Member
Ok then i will think about doing that verry soon. Also when in flower how long am i looking at before they are ready?? Just an idea and when you go into flower do you just change the lighting or leave in darkness for a day??? I have heard that before. Also do you know what the cause of the stems dropping ( on one plant) may be to do with??? How much yeild do you think i will get per plant as a rough idea not got a clue as im new to the game

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure all that undergrowth in the 11th pic can all be trimmed off other than that their looking nice!


Well-Known Member
Yea thanks i will trim the bottom ones off. Should i still use mirical grow in flowering??? I got told to use water in the last few weeks so it has no chemicals in for a better taste any more tips thanks


Well-Known Member
yes last two weeks flush with water i would get better nutes if you have the funds yeild cant say maybe an ounce per plant depends on skill level just hope for a harvest i leave mine dark for 36hrs before 12/12 and finished wise mine took 65days around 8 -9 weeks


Active Member
this is my 1st grow and am around 7 weeks in. i have a few concerns on a few things like some of the leave stems are down. i think the lower have nute burns but not 100% certain, also how long till i change to 12/12???? im in no hurry to change and want them to look more fuller before i change as stems are sprouting through off main stem....

i have not had many problems as such but would like some advice if poss. also on the tall one i am thinking of topping it, i have done 2 at an early age,

thanks for looking

Ive grown Nirvana's ww a number of times. Ive never had a plant more than double after flipping. Some strains I've seen triple in height. I dont know what breeder you got the seeds from but i would plan for it to triple in size and if it doesn't you have a little extra head room. hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
Put more reflecter in there. and thay look a little dry to me........other then that thay look nice.......
Ur lower stems are falling because lack of light and u should cut them anyways. Ur plants look healthy and u shouldn't worry about every leaf. Yea some may have little collor deficiencies not every plant is going to b perfect. U could even start budding now because ur plant size is strong and will most likely grow alot in the flowering stage. I say do it! Good luck


Well-Known Member
yes last two weeks flush with water i would get better nutes if you have the funds yeild cant say maybe an ounce per plant depends on skill level just hope for a harvest i leave mine dark for 36hrs before 12/12 and finished wise mine took 65days around 8 -9 weeks
What sort of neuts do you recomend and do they sell at all decent stores??? Also how long does it take from flowering to harvest? Just so i have an idea?

Thanks guys


Active Member
Yer, def flower now. I'm growing 7 ww atm and I flowered at 3 feets, they've almost doubled and are still growing :/


Well-Known Member
8-9 weeks look for bloom nutes with a good p-k ratio shultz makes a nice one if you buying that kinda i recomend hittg up a hydro shop


Well-Known Member
Thanks people for the tips. Going to get a few lights to help the lower section out and will be looking at some neuts for flowering going to give them another week though n also want to think about cloning so need to do a bit of extra reaserch, its all new and exciting to me just cant wait to try it out

When am i best cloneing??? Can i do in flower or in veg?