How am I looking with my nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Growing seedsman white widow in a 2x2x4 grow tent.

happy frog soil with 30% perlite in an HTG 3 gal phat sack (smart pot).

General Hydroponics Flora series Micro/Gro/Bloom repackaged as 4oz bottles

Garden Lime (3 tbsp)

Molasses ( I'm just now hearing that it's effectiveness is a myth, they said molasses increases resin and fattens buds and 20160420_164343.jpg makes it more dense)

This hygrozyme came free as a surprise. Not sure what it does.


You can use molasses in soil fine...but Unless you have an active alive's won't be very availiable to your plants (less effective).The real active ingredients in molasses is potassium sulfate and magnesium,both can be sourced outside of molasses and are in more availiable forms.the 4th trio is pretty solid....I've never used the grow though.I like micro and bloom in a 1:2 ratio.
You can use molasses in soil fine...but Unless you have an active alive's won't be very availiable to your plants (less effective).The real active ingredients in molasses is potassium sulfate and magnesium,both can be sourced outside of molasses and are in more availiable forms.the 4th trio is pretty solid....I've never used the grow though.I like micro and bloom in a 1:2 ratio.
U look like you had great plants, with those nutrients what kind of light did you use?