How are my clones?


Active Member
So i took these 2 off my friends plant a little less than 4 days ago, they seemed to be wilting reallllllly fast when i got them home, so i looked online and figured out the humidity dome thing, and i have had them under that and they have perked up quite a bit, i was just wondering if they look ok, or if anyone has any good tips, this would probably count as my first legitimate attempt at indoor growing (70w hps bulb) and the soil is an orchid potting mix from home depot, i have been misting them a decent amount and watering them just enough to keep the dirt slightly damp around the stalk



Well-Known Member
those clones should do fine.. id be counting on the one in the second picture most though.... I suggest you get some smaller pots for now u dont wanna over water them at that stage.


Active Member
yea that one is looking really good now, the other just lost a leaf... how will i know when they have rooted and i should take the humidity dome off?


Active Member
you shyould spray the leaves with a spray bottle every now and then. Since they have no roots to feed them water. Feed them thru their leaves.


Active Member
So here is my updated setup, i put up a little (ok a lot) of foil to get them some more light, and i have been spraying them will the spray bottle pretty regularly, and they are under the humidity dome all the time. The smaller one is not doing very well, and the bigger one looks about the same as before, but i dont think either of them have rooted. how can i help them to and/or how will i know when they have?

here are the pics



Active Member
So they look like shit, and it has happened since i put up the foil, i just read in another thread that apparently to much light is bad while they are trying to root, so i am going to remove the foil and move the light away a little... i hope this works, because id really hate for these guys to not survive..

they are so sad...



Well-Known Member
keep the light far away and set for 24 works great for me and ur should of waitied a bit to clone them look very small i had many problem with clones but i fix them 100% sucess rate now


Well-Known Member
marty when did those clone come off and how long did u buddy wait to clone u them i usally wait to there a foot tall and then clone and rip the fan leaves offf so they hold up better i never had clones do that and my light in like 2 feet away and 64 watt and mine turn out 100% very time.... need more help let me know bro.


Active Member
thanks ill try setting it for 24 and keeping them pretty far from it, they came off the plant a week ago tommorow, the plant was probly like 3 ft tall and at the end of the veg stage, these guys have kinda been on a health roller coaster, one day they look good the next they are wilting


Active Member
this was a depressing week for growing... i had to leave for a few days, and i was worried about it because i wouldn't be able to mist them and shit... so apparently they were doing quite well (just makes this more depressing), but my friend got worried someone would see the light and so moved them into their cubby with the light and shut the door, without asking me how it would affect them. Well the light dried them out and wilted all of their leaves and generally just destroyed them, so when i got back earlier today they were 90% yellow. needless to say i was pissed. so my question to anyone who will help me is, is it possible for them to recover (they still have not rooted) and if so what should i do? The only positive news is that the seed i planted like a week ago has sprouted up into a nice little baby.

seriously though any ideas would help
peat balls?
more rooting hormone?
keep the soil really damp?

i need some answers

these pics are after i removed all the dead leaves, and re cut them and tried putting more rooting hormone on the stem


Bird Man

Active Member
You should get some potting soil, not orchid soil. Orchid soil has large chunks because orchids like a lot of air on their roots. Also with my latest batch of clones, I tried those little peat things that you sit in water and they expand and are supposed to be for cuttings, well out of 12 clones only 3 took root in them and took forever to root. So I'm just going back to soil in a cup. Also how long were the plants cut before being put in dirt? If you wait too long, they will get an air bubble in them. It's best to cut them off, then with a razor cut the stem diagonally under warm water and then dipped in rooting hormone, and then use a pencil to make a hole in the soil, put the stem in and carefully press the soil to the stem so the rooting hormone doesn't come off. Also the foil was a bad idea, it creates hot pockets of air and can burn and dry out your plants, which is what looked like what happened, also if your going to use foil, put the dull side out, but you'll want to run a fan to keep the air flowing and stop hot pockets.


Active Member
they died, it was my fault, the soil was, as was said, no where near fine enough, and the procedure i followed for cloning was at best mediocre, i hope to have more success next time. i think the main problem was an air bubble in the stem, it was not stressed enough in the cloning guide i used how careful you have to be about that. but i am amazed at how long they stayed alive without any roots whatsoever, almost a month! although as you see from the pics they were getting pretty sad by the end