how are these looking


Well-Known Member
so how do my plants look i am just wondering what everyone thinks and how i am doing.

why are the ends of the leaves turning yellow

this is the biggest plants and it is covered in crystals

so how am i doing.


Active Member
The leaves are turning yellow because your buds are stealing all the nitrogen from your leaves. It's pretty normal I hear.

They're looking pretty damn sweet, home-skillet.


Active Member
Is that aluminum foil?

Aluminum foil bad... can cause hot spots and plant burning.


Well-Known Member
MORD is correct, the buds are sucking up all the nitrogen at this point to grow more. You can add more nitrogen to keep the fan leaves green, but I've never heard or read that this provides any benefit. Just keeps the plant looking green.

I've got a Blueberry grow at 6 weeks flower and the fan leaves are turning from purple to yellow. I'm not too concerned, cause the buds are growing bigger and getting frostier.


Well-Known Member
josh878 what strain is that bud it looks nice man you look like your doing real good i hope you get a good smoke


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wouldn't be too concerned about a little yellowing this late into flower.. I have seen MUCH MUCH worse..


Well-Known Member
these are just some bag seed from some really good mids. and the guy that grow the mids said that he picked them way to early. so i am hoping by letting them grow for the full time that it will turn out good.

because the mids that i got the seeds from have purple spots and where really good.

what can i use besides tinfoil. and what are some good nutrients at this point.

thanks they are looking pretty good.
:joint:i cant wait:joint:


Well-Known Member
is white paint better, or that mylar stuff.

and the other thing how long is the growth stunted for when u transplant.


Well-Known Member
i started off with tinfoil but now i have my walls covered in white paint and it seems to work ok


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks.

can someone help me figure out what fert or nuts to use during flowering.
i herd u should use a 20-30-20 mix but the fert i have is 10-15-10 mix.


Well-Known Member
White paint is better then foil. Flat white. I use exterior grade to deal with the humidity. (and the brightest white)

I'm not sure, but I think all hate the foil due to the hot spots it causes from its wrinkling.
If that is the reason, then mylar does it too. I used to sail competitively and the dacron sails would stretch and lose their shape. The mylar/kevlar sails would actually shrink from the wrinkles.

So if the mylar remains flat it seems fine (as would foil if also kept flat/smooth)


Well-Known Member
is it ok to prune some leaves off your plants so that light hits the lower bud or is this a bad idea.

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
I put mylar in my area. Raises the tempature a bit, though. Bought the 2M versus the 1M, seems to hold up better.


Well-Known Member
so i just went and go some Schultz 20-30-20 fert will this work because i herd u should use a 20-30-20 mix during flowering.