How bad have I messed this up?


New Member
Ok, I'm guessing I'll get chewed out for ignorance and amateurism, but alas:

Put two Auto Assassins from Short Stuff into the ground a while back. I didn't care much about yield-optimization or reading all the books before - I figured I'd learn by doing. I only wanted enough of a harvest to satisfy my own needs.

The plants are now on day 44 (counting from the day they went into the soil, I guess day 40 since they sprouted up. They are under a 250w HPS, 18/6. From the start, one of the plants went tall and one went more bush-like. I thought it had to do with the lamp placement, but switching them around didn't help. The tall plant started to show some flowering a while back, and so did the bushy one a few days later. However, it seems like the bushy plant has stopped it's flowering completely. Only a few, very small buds on the lower branches, while the top looks like they still should be vegging, even though they don't seem to be.

I've used generic grocery store-nutes. A lot. I realize that as I start reading the threads in this section. Added standard dosage to the water about 2-3 times/week. Tall one is about 95cm (37 inches), the other a couple of inches short. You might notice some leaf burn in one of the pictures - I've now heightened the lamp (to it's maximum).

Have I messed up the plant, or am I just paranoid and it will get a flowering boost soon?

Attached are five pictures: both plants together, 2 close-ups of the tall plant's top buds and close-ups of the bushy plant's lower branch bud and the top of the plant.


sativa indica pits

Active Member
all autos are different. they look ok as of now. I wouldnt feed them for 5-6 days as the tips of the leaves curl straight down.... this means n tox. some sativa dom. autos take up to 100-120 days to finish. others will finish in 45 days. I would water with plain 6.5 water for the next weak then give a light dose of fert. good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Your leaf margins are curling up. Possible Potassium deficiency going on. Lush green color is a sign of Potassium deficiency also.
IMO- your containers look small for the size of plant you have. Possible root bound. (depends on veg time in container)
Check your pH, make sure your not over watering.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
Well them plants mostly look just fine. You have minor salt buildup or heat stress on that one plant with fringed leaves I would flush them all to be safe and then keep doing your thing.. Maybe alternate one feeding wait till dry then plain water, then repeat.